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Everything posted by KADSkid

  1. so you played DA2 demo but didn't play DS3 demo ? TBH , i think you exaggerated a lot when called the game a piece of garbage. If i am not wrong that are the favorite 3 words of haters. /thread. This is the trolling I was talking about. I merely gave my opinions and that's it, and not a haters thread. Play the original DS and it should be obvious this game is not even in the same category. I never said that the game developers did a poor job with the look of the game, I stated I thought it was poorly made for the PC version, and made for console players. I am not demanding my money back or saying I am going to raise a big hate group against DS3 or Obsidian. I spent my 50 bucks and it's done, and I have bought other garbage games as well. I think it could have been allot better if the game would have been made for PC then ported for consoles instead of the other way around. PC gamers in my OPINION are better all around gamers, we defined gaming. If you have been playing for more than 15 years you can see that. Consoles players are being fed dumbed down unoriginal game styles and genres that have been around on the PC since around the late 80's early 90's. And you don't see developers writing code or developing new game engines on an Xbox or PS3, they use a computer. Why is the PC version so full of flaws? PC players expect more because we turned online gaming into the cash cow it is. And we know how cool games like this could have been if it would have had more thought put into it instead of making it a game that a 5 year old can play with little to no thought and a controller.
  2. I have seen a lot of outrage in these forums and I just wanted to say my peace and then I will most likely uninstall DS3. I own and have played all 3 games in this series so I was expecting an RPG, and I got a console piece of garbage. What a disappointment, and for 50 bucks it almost makes me angry. I'm not a child (38) and in fact I have 3 children that play on consoles. I have an Xbox, Ps3, and a Wii. I am up with the times and I own almost 150 games on Steam alone. I realize that there is loads more money in console games, but if you are making one DON'T sell it to PC people. I would have rather bought something else, although you have my money and it's too bad for me. This game to me is a developer taking a very good franchise name, turning it into a console game, and then trying to sell it back to the PC people as a PC title that its just not. It happened to Dragon Age 2 and in the exact the same disappointing way( which I am happy to say I tried the demo first, which I didn't here because it is a DS title and it had to be good). There is no key mapping ( for personal preferences, because trying to control an already uncontrollable camera then trying to hit the 5 or 6 key is extremely awkward). Terrible controls and camera angles (when you get put under a tent awning and can't even see where your character or the enemy is. But hey, you are saved because all you have to do is click the fire button and no need to actually see or target an enemy). No targeting system of any kind ( just click the fire button and it will attack who ever it wants). In Dungeon Siege you could take up to 6 or 8 party members I think, and now only 2. Hmmm, is that because it was made for player 1 and player 2? And no real strategy just point and click at whatever you want, a tree, rock, bookcase, stairwell, cabinet, wall, statue, or maybe a wagon and it will hit an enemy( although not the enemy you wanted to target). I could go on but the forum trolls will pick this post apart and honestly that is not what I am trying to do. I don't want to be a spoiler or troll or whatever. I'm just an old PC gamer that has to at least say what I think and hope that maybe someone at Obsidian is actually reading, because it ruins the whole company name when you release a crap game for PC that is really for consoles.
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