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Everything posted by vonster

  1. Nope, no slack at all on this one!!! Are you serious??? An unexpected side effect??? This isn't some rarely used function that got messed up. It is the most basic movement that was messed up!! If anyone at all even beta tested the patch, it would have come up immediately! This is a clear example of programmers rushing something without checking their work. It is their job to check their work and get it right. As a manager, I would write up any employee of mine that puts out work like this with a blatant error! I would be much more understanding if they made a mistake with something less obvious. Sorry, but anyone who thinks they deserves slack on this doesn't get the meaning of quality control.
  2. Tigranes, I just wanted to say thank you for trying to help out as much as you can. This is frustrating for us, but it can happen with new games. Thanks again for your help,
  3. The screen now rotates in the opposite direction. It was not this way just minutes before the patch was released. I've tried to invert the y-axis in options and this does nothing. BTW - Sorry I posted in the wrong forum.
  4. I just received another mini-patch (no notes, thanks developers!!!), and now the A, D keys are backwards!!!! Developers, it helps if you release patches that improve the game and not invert the keys so we have to play the game backwards! I know you are working hard to improve this game, but please don't rush patches. Thanks,
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