Dear Obsidian,
I've never played a dungeon siege game before (although I did own DS2...) and honestly after playing the demo I've decided to add Dungeon Siege 3 onto my 2011 purchase list - something I never planned for.
That said this purchase relies on the option to change/remap the PC game controls which I need to see in your future patches. Why?
I am left handed and the very first thing I do is remap keyboard game controls so I can play the game comfortably, Dungeon Siege 3 is not left handed friendly.
You should try playing it with a mouse in your left hand and you'll quickly understand just how bad the current keyboard setup is for left handed players.
I don't understand why developers have started "locking" the keyboards in new games, it never goes down well - look at Witcher 2 they did the same thing but the player base complained and for good reason. They added keyboard remapping in there FIRST patch because people not only wanted that option but some of us NEED that option to enjoy playing the game.
This mean I have to wait until I either see a patch that allows me to remap the keyboard or a hack that allows me to do it unofficial because otherwise its just no fun to play a game when your not having fun with the controls.
So dear Obsidian - please patch in the ability to remap PC keyboard controls.
Thank you!