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Posts posted by Spettmeisen

  1. The camera is terrible and makes combat a cluster****. Whenever you dodge, the camera goes all over the place and you lose track of your enemies (a camera fixed behind the character would've helped a lot here). Movement and combat also feels off somehow, like everything is moving through syrup. Things don't feel fast-paced, it's just very sluggish overall.



    UI feels very consolish.


    ... But after being spoiled by Divinity 2 & its expansion, which were both outstanding, I really can't bring myself to wade through this.




    This is my position on this as well. I was amazed how slow paced and "syrupy" everything felt.

    This game needs fixes and changes to work well on the pc.

  2. Bottom line.

    The fact that you just 100% converted a console game on to a PC is Bull.

    The fact that you changed way to much to even call this a Dungeon Siege game anymore but still used the name for sales reasons is Cheap!.

    The fact that you release a PC Demo and don't even include PC Controls is mind boggling stupid. Did you even have anyone PC test it?!


    The Game looks nice and and a lot about the game seems fun but the controls just break it for me. I loved the DSiege games when i was growing up and I'm a little sad you killed the series. I would be willing to look past it but you can't even make a damn pc version for christ sakes.


    I really appreciate you guys releasing the demo because I would have been REALLY mad if I had spent the $50 on it.


    My 2 Cents

    Fix the Controls and I'll buy it.



    No Pidesco it doesn't. Just because you can play it with a Keyboard and mouse does not mean it has controls for them.

    A and D Turn your Character and do not strafe. The right mouse button does not move the camera instead it moves your character to the cursor.

    Your forced to be a keyboard turner. anyone that knows his **** about games knows hows frustrating keyboard turning is.



    I have to agree with everything OP writes here.

    So many good games is ruined by bad controls/camera movement. (many games do get fixed with patches though!)

    If the controls in Dungeon Siege 3 is not made better for pc players, then that is the reason I will not buy and play this game.


    Trying to control camera rotation with the keyboard was a nightmare. When the player run up on the screen the camera rotates one direction, but if you run downward on screen the camera starts rotating the other way.

    Now that is one nice way to make any game confusing and annoying to play.


    The demo was very nice in most other ways. Looks like a fun game!

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