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Posts posted by dark

  1. In an Action RPG, combat is the bread and butter. In the end that's what you spend 90% of the time doing. All the gameplay mechanics you're talking about fall into either combat, or usability, so I'm not sure what you're drawing a line against here.


    I can't comment on the co-op aspects as I haven't tried it myself, but;

    (a) definitely agree keymapping should have been in at the start, at least Obs have said they'll put it in a patch soon;

    (b) armour does change appearance. I've seen every part of Katarina change appearance 2-3 times in playing 2-3 hours. Different tiers have different appearances, but you can't expect every piece to look different, its randomsied and there are thousands of variations.


  2. There's plenty of different looking stuff. Only played 2-3 hours and changed Katarina's looks multiple times.


    The single most important thing about this game is that the combat is fun. It's very fun. And once you actually play the game instead of talk about it, that's the thing that rises to the surface.




  3. Dungeon Siege was noted at the time of release for being dumbed down compared to previous RPGs. People complaining that the game played itself was common. Now, in this forum, plenty of people since the release of the demo have been complaining that Dungeon Siege 3 dumbed down things compared to the originals. I find that amusing.



    Now, regarding your control issues, I wholeheartedly agree that there should be customizable controls in every game. I especially understand how it is a big problem for people who are left handed. However that doesn't mean that aren't any PC controls in this DS3. It just means you don't like the controls and would like to see them changed.



    Personally I never once heard anything remotely similar about this being a dumbed down RPG. Secondly, while I

  4. From the sound of it a gamepad is highly recommended.


    I don't get why PC gamers suddenly decided that controllers other than M&K are unworthy of their time. Alternate controllers used to be a staple of any PC gamer's setup and besides, gamepads are a user interface like any other. You don't refuse to use a steering wheel for your racing games on the principle of the thing, do you?


    Lots of games are designed to control better on a specific controller, and they're better for it.



    Are you seriously going to tell us that? I did not spend money on a really nice pc so I could buy a stupid game pad to play a game on it. This is what Consoles are for. This is not or should not be the mentality of any Moderator or the developers here. If this is the best they could do then don

  5. The fun bit for me is that the old school purists are defending a game noted for the dumbing down and streamlining against dumbing down.



    Comments like this coming from a moderator to me is pretty insulting. You guys are supposed to be neutral here and be a little more open minded about the concerns of others. From what I

  6. PC Controls are Game Breaking!

    Uhm, no?


    WASD for movement, your thumb is on the SPACE bar, and you have any other important key like switching stances, using abilities etc. in close proximity of your left hand.


    Basically, it's the same control scheme as almost every other RPG uses.



    Umm No!! Left hander dude that crap doesn

  7. I really hate coming into a forum and busting on the Devs, but seriously guys, how could you all mess this game up so badly that not just me, but the entire community is up in arms about. Not just this forum, try Blues News, Voodoo Extreme, the Steam Forums. They are all saying the same thing. and many have canceled their pre orders.


    What really killed this game for me was the lack of options. Reconfiguring my keys being the biggest issue. I generally have to use at times a small little program called AHK, AutoHotKey. This little app doesn

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