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Posts posted by blackspear

  1. Yeah, if the game is good enough it doesn't need a Fan base (particularly DS one which is, as you noted, not big), as you have said, to be a good-seller.


    Although this is not uncompatible with the statement I made. I think they are going to lose probably 85% of the fan base, and doing so, if I were the Obsidian chief designer I would seriously think if what I have made is right, or "loyal" to the name of the game.


    You must not forget the game is called Dungeon Siege 3, not "Generic fantastic name: First Edition". That's what I'm talking about, it is Dungeon Siege no more. BUT, as I have said, if the singleplay gameplay is fine, it would be another good RPG game. But just forget it is named DS or it has a nice MP.

  2. I've been playing the Demo and I have mixed impressions about Multiplayer/Singleplayer.


    Singleplayer gameplay is fine, well implemented on consoles format. Combat speed is ok, as well as the graphics. Animations look fine too, but a little bit out-dated. As the demo is too short I cannot judge the story line, but the way it is done seems quite similar to other Obsidian's games, which I think is good. I really don't like how the inventory is managed, but I suppose is a need in the console's format.


    However, if you are fan of the original DS's, you will feel quite a bit dissapointed. The game seems to be absolutely different to the first and second editions of the series. For some it will be better, for others, worse. But do not expect a "Dungeon Siege" as it is no more.


    Singleplayer's demo is, for me, a 7,5/10. Good game but not epic or "classic".


    Multiplayer has deeply dissapointed me. I was prepared fot it as I was well informed on how Obsidian has planned it to be in DS3, but is even worse in the real game. The fact which made me play DS1 for months was, in my opinionion, the amazing MP gaming it had. I really loved exploring that huge map, which made me feel I was really travelling with friends (people who I knew in-live and others who I met from another countries) in a kind of epic journey. I really enjoyed the way it was planned, although we all know it had some terrible problems like character progression and a quite repetitive combat system.


    Being unable to personalize your character (name, body, etc) is completely oppossite to the way it was thought in the previous games. However, what makes MP gameplay reallly bad for me is the format Obsidian has bet for: the host saves the game, you don't have a "personal" character, moreover it is just the part of a plot that, after leaving the game, you will never continue unless you know the host. Guys, this kills MP completely.



    I would probably give it a try (PC version), but I advise DS fans will be terribly dissapointed. I think the demo will make no good to Obsidian as they are going to lose a lot of sells from the fan base.

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