Hello my name is Victor and i am a student of California State University Fullerton, majoring in Bachelor of Fine Arts, Animation Concentration.
I am working on a project that requires me to Interview someone currently working in the field relating to my career. I am wondering if it is possible to
request an audience with anyone of your 3D animators/designers for a short 30-40 min Interview. Where i will ask a few questions pertaining to what
it is like and why they love working for a successful company such as yours. I am not trying to find out any kind of information relating to the games currently in progress,
i understand and respect your privacy policy. I am just interested in asking the current employee about their experience working for your company. I know this may be a long shot but If it is at all possible, to please reply or
contact me within the next two weeks about the interview i would be deeply grateful.
Thank you for your time!