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About bbackguitar

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  1. Just a quick aside, the first time I played Kotor 2 was when it released in 2004 making me a wee lad at the age of twelve! Seven years later, I decided to finally download this restored content mod I saw popping up on the web since I finally had the urge to replay this game and boy it's a masterpiece. I'm not advertising the mod, I mean Kotor 2 is a masterpiece (but the mod was what helped me realize this). When I played this game as a young 12 year old boy, I didn't even begin to comprehend the complexities of the characters and the story. I picked this game up for the Xbox because I had played Kotor 1 and thought it was the greatest game ever. I couldn't help but love it because I grew up loving Star Wars. I played through Kotor 2 and adopted the general attitude of contempt towards it for its unfinished nature and confusing ending. However, I was confused for an entirely different reason, I just attributed it to the game's unfinished nature. Now that I've played it again, with a fair amount of content restored, I'm blown away by the brilliant writing that came out of Obsidian. The brilliant writing of all the characters, Kreia mainly, is amazing to me. This story is amazing and I can easily say Kotor 2 is my favorite RPG of them all, even though Obsidian was rushed to release an unfinished product. I really wish Obsidian could have nurtured this game and helped it truly reach maturity, but what I just experienced is still shining in my memory. I think it's funny that I played this game last as a twelve year old little kid. I guess I just expected it to be in the same vein of story as Kotor 1, not that it was childish, but it was more like a traditional Star Wars game and easier for my younger self to follow. Basically, I just want to thank Obsidian for what they delivered to us, even if it took me this long to realize how good it really is. I also really hope that if somehow Kotor 3 is ever made that Obsidian is chosen to be the developers. Nothing against Bioware or TOR, but this game really made Obsidian look amazing in my eyes.
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