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Everything posted by Driddle

  1. Zombi-Revan will be raid-boss. MMO will never replace single rpg, because it will never provide such non-linear story and immersion. Also main story is always weak in MMO, I know Bioware tries to broke this stereotype but now it's just a words. I've waited KOTOR3 five years and I can wait another five. And I want it to be made by Obsidian, screw that cinematic and romance-oriented stories. Can you please just stop complaining. This Bioware employee has been nothing but straight forward and honest with you. Yes the game is not exactly what KoTOR fans (myself included) wanted. Lets be honest though, this is Bioware we are talking about, the original creators of KoTOR as well as Mass Effect, and the fact that you want Obsidian to make a potential KoTOR 3 is utterly ridiculous. The last thing I want is for the game I have waited on probably ten years at the minimum when it is made (because lets be honest it probably will happen eventually) and finally released, is for the game to suck. KoTOR 3 is on the same track as Starcraft 2 was, it just needs to wait for that right moment to come out with the original creators behind it. No offense to Obsidian but I would rather have a KoTOR developed by Bioware in 5 years then a game by Obsidian tomorrow. Not to insult Obsidian but RPG's are what Bioware does, and considering that KoTOR 3 would have to made from scratch unlike KoTOR 2 which they still in the eyes of many, managed to **** up compared to the original. I would want no one but Bioware on the case, and if that means I have to wait so be it. I would trust no other company in ushering KoTOR 3 in with a all new engine and game interface, because as you should remember, they made it in the first place. If anything you should hate Obsidian and Lucasarts for locking up the KoTOR series in furthering the plot of Revan in the first place. Lucasarts did what they do best by ruining something perfectly good by trying to suck all the money out of it possible when they sold to Obsidian. Obsidian then made a game with a story line that any company attempting to make a game now has to follow inorder to continue the series. Whereas otherwise we could have had all new stories (and perhaps KoTOR 4,5,6 already) from other periods in the timeline of the Starwars universe. Now because of the open-ended plot of KoTOR 2 if they made such a sequel fans like you would jump all over the message boards bashing them for not finishing what they started when the reality is they didn't start it. I for one am incredibly pleased that Bioware is making an MMO because if there is one company I trust to make it well it is Bioware. You must remember that is as I said before "it's what they do". I'm not saying I would rather have this over KoTOR three because I wouldn't, and your right it probably would have saved me countless hours of my life that I'm now going to waste on TOR. However, I'm happy just to have some RPG to play in the Starwars universe at all. So I'll take what I can get and consider TOR but a distraction until the game I really want is developed by the company it rightfully should be(no offense Obsidian) and if Bioware decides not to make it then just release a book with Revan and the Exiles story and you can just read that because the series will be dead to me without Bioware at the helm.
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