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About Lyran

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  1. Awesome @Chaospread!! The spells is among my favorite to use, from level 1 to the finish line! How did you handle your Trickster on the battlefield? Did you sneak in to the enemies backline or did you keep yourself out of melee range? What weapon type did you favor? I'm aiming on going a "into-the-enemies-backline"-type of character, dual-wielding melee with occasinaly some blasters. A trickster with both the spells and weapons in hand, and utilize the shadows!
  2. Looked but didn’t find a post that is niched like this, so here it goes... Mr. Dunken, the mountain dwarf from the lands that lives lika a circus - like a roaring beast - like him, will tackle the archipelago. He is a self-taught Rogue, but has had the fortune to meet a proper mentor for his evolution into a Trickster. Nothing more, nothing less. He goes where his feets take him, as he always has, with a warm heart. With a drink in hand, he draws upon his tricks and stealthiness, in between his roaring! [Back in 2019 I made a wonderful playthrough and after a dozen character builds, that went various lenghts through the archipelago of Deadfire, I was done. Now, the wheels on the bus have gone round and round for a couple of years, and I'm back! I'm going for a full playthrough this time around agian. My plan is not to get stuck in the theory-crafting-experiment-circus again, haha.] So as the title says, I would be glad if you'd like to share inspiration, tips & tricks, maybe some love(-bombing) for the SINGLECLASS Trickster! Would like to keep this post away from comments like, "...BUT if you Multic...". Instead, more like: "You are going to have a blast with this and that...", "I would recommend that weapon, ability/skill, use that spell..." and so on. This post is dedicated to bringing a positive focus on the SC Trickster from start to finish - for myself and others alike All the best!
  3. If, and that is a big if, I remember correctly, I was doing something with some file/s, altering the points given by the achievements. But easy things, I remember some "notepad"-files, easy to read and easy to understand. I think I even started the game to "check on it" and then changed some more and such. But heck, what do I know. It has been a while, pretty long one, since last time around. I havn't used the Unity Console mod myself, lack in knowledge and moding, which dosn't make it something I would want to mixture with to much. "Worst case" scenario, I just let it be and go on with my life, let the adventure steer me forward with my Trickster in hand!
  4. Thanks @Boeroer for a fast reply (and thanks for all the knowledge you bring in the forums, have been a great help for me back than and now!) Before I posted I did search and found just that post. But when I open the file in question I cant for my memory understand that this was what I saw back then - because if I cant understand the "hieroglyphs" in this document today, I couldnt do it then Do I need some sort of program more than notepad? And on this note, I have detected in game that I seem to have "coded" that every achievement is worth insted of 1 point -> 10 points, insted of 2 points -> 20 points and so on... I seem to have made them worth tenfold.
  5. Yes, so once upon a time in the year of 2019, I played through this absolutely wonderful game. But after that playthrough of around 100+ hours, I didn't want to grind the achievements. As far as I remember, I went into the game files (by some guide, I guess, because my knowledge of coding and such is limited) and put in a raw "number" of points to fill the gap from my playthrough and the achievements I had. This was to give myself a boost when I was testing out different builds and characters. Fast forward to now, I haven't played for a couple of years, but thanks to all the commotion regarding Avowed, I'm back for one of the best RPG titles out there! I opened it up, updated my mods, and saw this little thing where I had more Berath’s Points than I should. I remembered what I had done and thought – how the heck do I change it back? Where is the file I configure? Even if I don't necessarily just want to clean it out (since I still have a whole lot of achievements already done), I want to have the knowledge to "reset" it and undo it. I have tried searching for an answer, but can’t seem to find it. Thanks in advance!
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