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Posts posted by jakiesan99

  1. I have used the site you are linking to before coming here for the fix, i have put that line in the swkotor.ini file already, i did everything in the fix, except the step with the graphics card, this is because my hd graphics processor does not take me to the "3D Options" part that was referred, i have tried looking for older drivers to download, but none are compatible with my i3 processor,


    I will try the other steps you mentioned and report my findings.


    Thanks for the help so far, very fast responses.

  2. Hello, to anyone that can help. I've tried everything I possibly can to get kotor 2 running and it just won't work! Here are the specs for my computer:


    Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.100618-1621)

    DirectX Version: DirectX 11

    System Model: Aspire 5742

    BIOS: InsydeH2O Version V1.03

    Processor: Intel® Core i3 CPU


    Display Devices


    Card name: Intel® HD Graphics

    Manufacturer: Intel Corporation

    Chip type: Intel® HD Graphics (Core i3)

    DAC type: Internal


    Installation worked fine, and everything runs fine until I finish character creation, the intro scene plays, and just as the T3 start scene begins, i get a message that says "KOTOR 2 has stopped working" I've tried running it in compatibility mode, installing it in capability mode, EVERYTHING! This is my last resort but I'm desperate, I loved this game.


    Any solution would be well appreciated.

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