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Darkest Spectre

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About Darkest Spectre

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  1. Hey all, I could not find a topic on this, but while visiting our favorite fortune teller I found a spot on the edge of her pond that shows something strange. In a different area from where to toss in a coin and can see all of the other coins on the ground, there is a prompt that designates "Missing Coin" without any interaction available. I could only find it in one place and couldn't figure out anything to do with it. I don't know if it's a secret, a glitch, or something I can come back to after a later area in the game. Anyone else see this? My screenshot is too big to attach here and I didn't feel like messing with it to get it down to 1 MB. So I put it here in a similar Reddit: blob:https://www.reddit.com/aada1ea5-619c-45e9-9175-f7605017bdcf
  2. I don't believe I have seen any posts from the Dev Team stating they are looking into this issue. Any chance those of us experiencing this are going to get an update to fix it and give us a playable game? Please don't leave us in this state!
  3. Ideas more from a role-playing perspective... 1. Lockpicking - As is, lockpicks are quire inexpensive, but it would be nice if having a high enough Dexterity and/or Intellect reduced the number of lockpicks required to open a lock. Never to less than one, but it's worth a thought. Maybe when your Might is high enough you can force locks without lockpicks? 2. Throwing grenades - Might should have an effect on how far you can throw them and Perception should have an effect on how accurately you hit the further out you go. 3. High enough Perception could cause secret interactables, like breakable walls, to highlight.
  4. Very expansive list from Markowsi! I would add a couple of suggestions and one continuing issue. Issue: Game is still crashing frequently on Xbox Series X. There is no pattern to it that I can see. It is confirmed to not be related to the console overheating. It genuinely seems to me as if the game is causing the console to load assets as needed and then cannot seem to purge them afterward, causing the memory to overload and the console to shut down, either kicking me out to the Xbox dashboard or completely resetting the console. Very frustrating. Suggestions: 1. Add hats/masks/helmets. It seems an odd choice to leave out a piece of armor that is so important and ubiquitous. 2. Perhaps for the DLC, but please add a Priest archetype with a focus on healing, buffs, and holy magic specifically granting damage bonuses against undead. When creating builds, the Cleric and Paladin style of characters are very difficult to build with the currently existing skill trees. 3. Perhaps it would be a good QOL fix to create a way to reset a quest from your list. There are still several quests that bug out and I feel like the easier solution is to just give us the choice to hit a button and rest the quest so we can try to resolve it. 4. Adding the ability to enchant non-unique weapons with an elemental damage type would be nice. 5. For unarmed combat, it would be great if we could add unique gloves, gauntlets, and/or wraps that can be enchanted and still count as unarmed. As it stands, anyone using weapons gets several powerful bonuses that an unarmed character misses out on. 6. Adding a Blunderbuss shotgun-style flintlock would be fun. I know there is a unique Arquebus that has close proximity bonuses, but it still functions as a long-range rifle as well. A set of guns drastically restricted by range would add some interesting options. 7. A few more two-handed Axes, please. I think there is currently only one unique two-handed axe that actually looks like an axe. I believe there is a second one that is listed as a great axe but looks more like another hammer. Thanks for the amazing game and for listening to the community. I really hope the crashing gets fixed and that we get some great DLC in the future to hold us over while we wait for Avowed 2!
  5. It also feels like the additional of hats/masks/helmets is a no-brainer. It feels odd that they left them out to begin with.
  6. Hey All, Sorry if this topic is listed somewhere else, I didn't find it. I am loving the game and have had a ton of fun creating different builds. My only issue at this time is the pretty consistent crashing on Xbox Series X. Hopefully, they can fix it. In any case, I was hoping the game is doing well enough that we might get DLC. If we do, I am really hoping for a Priest Archetype to go with the Fighter, Ranger, and Wizard. I have created multiple builds I intend to play and try out, but struggled a bit building a Cleric/Paladin style build. A Priest skill tree with some more dedicated healing and buffs would go a long way toward a Cleric build, and some prayers/spells dedicated to bonus damage against undead, ghosts, phantoms, etc. would be great for a Paladin. One of my Wizard builds also has one of weapon loadout slots empty so I can go unarmed. There is one skill in the Fighter tree dedicated to unarmed combat, but one or two others would be great. Also, adding a few unique Gloves/Gauntlets that count as weapons and could be upgraded and enchanted would help make the unarmed combat feel like you aren't missing out on some great bonuses that you would normally get using weapons. Anyone else have good ideas for DLC beyond raising the level cap and adding a new area?
  7. After downloading the update (1.3.0), the game ran great for three hours. I was just starting to think it was fixed when.... crash. I then crashed again about 15 or 20 minutes later. Since then, I have played about 10 hours. During that time, the game has crashed on me approximately 8 times. So, a little less often than once per hours. This is an improvement, however the crashed don't come every hour. They happen whenever they happen. Two of them came within 10 minutes of each other. So, I continue to have to manually save the game every few minutes while I'm playing so that I don't have to replay too much of the same thing. Especially conversations, and trying to remember the choices I made. I genuinely feels like the game just gets bogged down by assets and then freezes up because it can't seem to let stuff go. I still also get some vibration in the audio and those flashing video glitches. Both usually go away if I restart the game, but not always. And considering how often the game crashes on me, forcing me to add additional restarts feels pretty frustrating. Can anyone please provide an update on whether this is even being investigated? And when a fix might go out? Is it just on the Game Pass version as a way to try and push people to buy the game? HELP!
  8. Hello Devs, I am also experiencing this issue. I have tried the same fixes as everyone else. I also bought a fan specifically for the Xbox Series X. I have played for three hours with no crashes, and I have had one instance where I crashed about 20 times in a row, sometimes before the home screen even fully loaded. Occasionally, when I load the game, there are flashes of color all over the screen and I am forced to reload the game to get them to go away. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, installed a fan to keep the temp down, and am playing on the setting that has the best performance. I will tell you that I love Avowed and am a little bit heartbroken every time I load it because it is virtually unplayable half the time. I manually save the game every three minutes so that I don't lose too much progress when it inevitably crashes. When it does, part of the time it drops me to the dashboard and part of the time it completely reboots my Xbox Series X. This is absolutely not an issue with my console. I play the newest Calle of Duty for hours without a single crash or problem. I play PGA Tour 2K25 without any crashes or problems. The only game I am currently playing that has an issue is Avowed. I am really looking forward to the new patch, but I did not see anything in the notes about addressing this specific issue. Are there plans to address this? Obviously there are many people experiencing it since they have posted here and on Reddit. Please, help me play your game.
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