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Everything posted by jedi_mantis

  1. Thanks for the replies guys/gals. My DS female is lvl 17 Sith Marauder with 18 CON (hard points) and dark side mastery. Telos and Dantooine are done and I'm some where midway into Nar Shaddaa, but no Hanharr yet. Atton is fully dark side but I haven't converted him to a Jedi yet. I guess I haven't lost enough influence with Disciple yet because he won't reveal his secret. I will most likely install the restoration project mod(s), which may require me to drop and restart this character. I'm finding the dark side a lot harder to play as compared to a straight-up goody-goody light sider. I've had to tread a lot more carefully through the dialog options so as to not pick up light side points. Especially once I hit darkside mastery. Also, some of the cruel acts don't give many dark side points or prompt an influence response. Many of the dialog paths for a dark sider seem goofy, or as the Cow King put it "e-thug". Also, taking the dark path doesn't seem like the character is becoming consumed by lust for power. It seems they become a cheap thug who will do pretty much anything for money. It just seems out of character of the dark jedi of the movies. I picture dark jedi being much more cunning and manipulative versus thuggish and intimidating. What I have found mildly comical is how Kreia manipulates Disciple aka little jedi.
  2. hehe... sounds like some good drama. So I decided to build a female dark-side guardian named Dirty Diana. I'm still undecided on which of the two prestige paths I want to take: Sith Lord or Marauder. Ms. Dirty will be melee centric with two light sabers. I'm leaning toward picking up the Repair class skill so I can get a good amount of components per item break down. I'm use to disarming/recovering mines and handling security challenges on my player character so that I don't have to continuously swap teammates around. So, playing a guardian with fewer starting skills might become annoying after playing a sentinel. I'm interested in using force storm, death field, choke and some light side powers. I also want to get my hands on CON 18 implants early on. Although, I don't think they will be available until I get off Peragus. Given the above description would the following be a good base to start with: [Attribs] STR = 14 DEX = 12 CON = 16 INT = 14 WIS = 10 CHA = 10 [skills] Demolition = 3 Awareness = 3 Persuasion = 3 Treat Injury = 3 I would put my first attribute points into CON, and then add points to STR. I'm wondering if the above starting stats would be poorly placed if I want to pursue the Sith Lord path given that the Sith Lord is a caster heavy prestige class and I'm starting with a low WIS and CHA. If I go down the Sith Marauder path I think it would be best to stick with pumping STR only or pumping STR with 1-2 extra points dumped into CON. After I get the above started and off Peragus I'm thinking of starting another light-side sentinel and pursuing the Jedi Master prestige class. I haven't decided on male or female yet. The gender will probably be decided by my experience with Dirty D.
  3. Yeah I kept getting them... it was pretty strange. The Jedi master rescued on Dantooine gave me a short saber. On Nar Shaddaa the Jedi master gave me a short saber. The human male that was living in the warehouse area, same area as the Bith Scientist, gave me a long saber for finding his wife. I believe I got a short and a long saber on Dxun from the Sith who attacked the Mandalorian ruins. I believe the black guy, captain what's-his-face, on Onderon, gave me a long saber. I got a dual bladed saber from one of the sith who attacked me on my first trip to Onderon. Canderous' doctor friend on Onderon gave me a saber (long or dual bladed I can't remember). I can't remember how many I got on Korriban. I believe there was a dialog option during the fight with Atris about the light saber. I skipped over it and picked a different dialog option. So there may have been another saber that I skipped over. Don't forget the first long saber that Bao-Dur creates. I'm missing some of the other points where sabers were acquired. I've been reading a little and found that I don't get certain companions based on the sex of the exile and force affinity. From what I've read the male exiles get the entourage of ladies. Mira seems to be quite aware of the sexual tension and the jockeying of the other women. However, female exiles get disciple, Atton, Bao, Mandalore. However, I don't think Canderous is the romantic type or the type to part with his battle armor. I think the Wookie is only available if one is dark side. Sexual tension between Atton and Bao-Dur competing for the romantic hot spot with a female exile sounds like there would be a good bit of slap-stick humor going on. Bao-Dur being as limp as one can be, Atton being as bi-polar as one can be, Disciple strikes me as being posh thus a limp fellow, and Kreia playing mommy sounds quite strange.
  4. I'm not ready to jump into the mods yet. I want to play the game through again with a dark-sider and maybe another light side character. I also wanted to experiment with converting some of my companions to the dark side. Lets see if Darth Brianna wants to play evil naked twister in the storage hanger or if Visas can be turned into an ice queen. I also didn't use HK-47 after building him except for the dialog and info. gathering. I was so looking forward to Bao chin-checking Canderous with a bionic left hook. I think I encountered a good case of beginners luck my first time around because of the number of light sabers I acquired. I acquired the following before going to Malachor V: - Long and short sabers for my exile character - Short saber for Kreia - Long and short sabers for Hand Maiden - Long and short sabers for Visas - Freedon Nadd's short saber - 4 additional long sabers - 3 dual bladed sabers I configured each of the equipped short sabers with ion upgrade (botton right side box in the upgrade screen) and blaster deflection goodies. The equipped long sabers had upgrades related to damage, criticals, and stun on hit. Atton and Mira were converted to Jedi but were kept as ranged dps members sporting blaster pistols. Bao never made it to Jedi conversion and used a Gamorrean Axe. Canderous was melee and used a Sith Tremor Sword and Zabrak Vibroblade (both blades had upgrades).
  5. 3 to the body and 2 to the head and now Kreia is dead. tough old lady... Darth Nihilus was a **** cat, but Sion was tough. Now to decide how I want to pursue the dark side... male or female... and which class to pick... etc.
  6. @Togruta: I'll keep KSE in mind as I haven't finished the first Kotor and didn't know about the abundance in Kotor 1 vs. the scarcity in Kotor 2. I googled "Kotor 2 kse" after the reference to it in a prior reply. "Link" should have been reference in my reply. @The Cow King: My gut feeling was that Bao-Dur was going to become annoying. At this point the only dialog I get out of him is "Yes General". So I'm thinking it will be a while before I can convert him to a Jedi. He offered me some shields once and hasn't since. I'm currently on Dxun and I took Bao and Kreia with me to the Mandalorian Ruins. I figured having him repair the Mandalorian Telemetry computer would infuriate him based on the prior dialog where he reveals his anger/hatred toward the Mandalorians. I was hoping he would just flip out in their camp. Instead he actually offers to fix the dangerous wiring in the dialog. I was like yay he's going to fry the Mandalorian NPC and probably make it look like a tragic accident... or rig the telemetry computer so as to call the entire republic fleet down upon the Mandalorian based camp. Instead he was so cool that it was like his animosity was surgically removed from him. Which left me wondering if Kreia had used her force powers to massage Bao's cerebral cortex and pacify him. Even Kreia has been silent in their base camp. As for the Czerka rep chick on Telos, she strikes me as being a low grade whore, employed by Czerka, who only understands how to throw money (credits) at a problem in order to buy a solution. She isn't a corporate shark type, which tends to be much more ruthless and way more cunning. Kreia strikes me as a shark.
  7. Thanks for the replies, info. and the KSE link. I made it to level 18. I finished up a big chunk of Nar Shadda allowing me to: - add G0-T0 as a teammate - reassemble HK-47 - add Mira as a teammate - convert Mira, Handmaiden (H.M.), Atton to Jedi - level up everyone I waited until H.M. was converted to a Jedi before leveling up Visas. I remembered that her lightsaber was damaged during the initial fight on the Ebon Hawk. However, I figured that it would be repairable, upgradeable or salvageable. However, it isn't listed in the items. Is this a bug? I fought her prior to having my lightsaber crafted. I believe I had a dual-bladed Vibroblade weapon, which damaged her saber and ended the fight. Is there a way to construct additional lightsabers (single, short single, and dual-bladed)? I wanted to replace HM's staff with a double bladed saber, and give Visas single and short single sabers. When Bao is converted I wanted to replace his axe with a dual-bladed saber. Atton and Mira will be sporting blaster pistolos since they will be ranged. Kreia is currently sporting a blaster. Although I've considered giving her the 2nd short single saber that I picked up on Nar Shaddaa. If only as a blaster bolt deflector. I'm just concerned that with a saber in hand she is going to charge into melee range as her default combat behavior and get herself killed.
  8. I'm a little confused about converting my team mates to Jedi. Do I have the ability to convert all of them to Jedi or only one of them to a Jedi? I'm on Nar Shaddaa currently. While in the refugee section of the shipping containers, I encountered Twi'leks who say Atton isn't who he says he is. Later on there is a conversation path that leads Atton to ask me to train him to become a Jedi, which sounded a little phony. I saved the game prior to the conversation so he has not be converted yet. However, I'm unable to convert any other team mate to a Jedi. Kreia doesn't have any conversation options on who, how many, and how to convert them.
  9. Wow thanks for all of your replies. I finished Peragus. I finished most of Telos and Dantooine. I had my force affinity meter at 100% light-side and then sac'ed a few points to gain influence with Kreia. Is there any bonus or advantage to having achieved 100% affinity to LS or DS? So far it feels like I'm being too nice, like a alter boy, and I haven't squeezed people enough. Everyone (Jedi, companions, droids, common folk, mercs, the head security officer on Telos, etc.) in the game is lying or employing deception for a variety of reasons. I think I screwed up with the dead salvager's will on the data pad. I'm tempted to go back and alter the will just to get the stash and lightsaber parts. Is it worth going back as I just landed on Nar Shaddaa, but I have might first lightsaber and the short saber from VRook? I didn't buy the 1,000 credit holocron and was so tempted to look for an opening to squeeze that guy for being such a phony. Can you tell I'm looking forward to another play through as dark side? Does the player character (the exile) possess (or use to possess) a special ability to disconnect and reconnect with the force at will? If he/she did have the ability, is that what scared the Jedi Council? The ability to disconnect and reconnect with the force at will sounds like a very dangerous ability to have and would likely lead to discovering how to mask or disguise one's force presence. Force Camouflage + Force Disconnect = Jedi-Ninja trump card. Force Camouflage + Force Presence Mask/Obscure = Jedi-Ninja trump card II. What is the deal with the "Mistress" Jedi chick on Telos? She comes off like an angry ex-virgin that got played on prom night. What is the deal with handmaiden and all of this naked Echani fighting ritual stuff? What ever she is scheming it was enough for Atton to say the next time he enters the room he will be armed with a blaster. I noticed the developers spent the time to add several dialog options to ask H.M. about putting some clothes on. Atton's blaster comment had me laughing and thinking "Echani" might be a reference to a species that is not truly human. Is "Schutta" synonymous with skank, whore, for B_tch, C_NT, or maybe half-breed?
  10. A small update just in case anyone cares to read this thread.... I found that quitting the game and closing the application completely, and starting it up again fixes the sound issue. I alt-tabbed many times while playing the game to do other things and I think that may have caused some issue within the game. Restarting seems to fix it though.
  11. Wow this is a pretty quiet town... I figured there would be more replies by now. No one has any info?
  12. Hello everyone, I received my copy of Kotor 2 PC from Amazon this week. I'm excited that I was able to install, run, load the 1.0b patch, and run the game in Windows 7 Ultimate (64bit). The only technical issue I encountered is that during the cut-scenes where the Ebon Hawk is flying there is no sound or engine noise. In Kotor 1 I remember there being engine noise during the cut scenes where the ship was flying. Sound is working in the other parts of the game (speech, sound effects, music, droid beeping, etc.) If there is a quick fix it would be great otherwise I won't fight with it much. The sound hardware is embedded on my EVGA nForce 680i SLI 775 A1 (122-CK-NF68) motherboard. I have been able to get sound and video working in several other games (Warcraft 3 TFT, SC-Broodwar, SC-2, Diablo-2 LoD, etc) on Windows 7 with little effort. As for game play I'm looking to start out with a male, combat oriented sentinel character and pursue the weapons master prestige class. I want to use 2 light sabers as my preferred weapon setup. I was attempting to follow the PC Jedi Sentinel FAQ found www.gamefaqs.com. In the faq the author states that repair is pretty important. However, I not sure if I should drop points into the Repair Attribute at the start or pick the Repair Class Skill Feat and add points to it when leveling up. I'm also not sure how many points to allocate in the Attributes, Skills, and Feats when leveling up. The Attribute, Skills, and Feats progression part of the faq seems to be open ended and I would rather not allocate points blindly and end-up disappointed later on. I suspect there is no point refunding or re-specialization feature in Kotor 2 so a point spent is a permanent allocation. Is there another faq or forum article I should read? The following are the starting stats that I'm considering for my sentinel: [Attributes] STR = 12 DEX = 16 CON = 12 INT = 14 WIS = 10 CHA = 12 [skills] Computers = 4 Demo = 0 Stealth = 0 Awareness = 4 Persuade = 4 Repair = 0 Security = 4 Treat Injury = 4 [Feats] Repair Class Skill = 1 If anyone has critiques/comments on the above starting stats please reply. Thanks.
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