I think I suck at this game and I'm kind of soft locked.
For an explanation: I'm in my mid-50ies and have been playing RPG's since 1985, but mostly tactical RPG's like BG 1-3 (BG3 several times in Honor mode), Pillars of Eternity (on PotD/Trial of Iron), Divinity OS 1 and 2 (Tactician), DA:O etc. This is my first kind of ARGP/first-person shooter games (except maybe Skyrim, if that counts) and I only bought it, because I've loved both Pillars of Eternity games.
But I don't seem to understand how ARPG's work. I find the whole dodging mechanic awkward and suck at it. I almost never succeed in doging: When I see that someone attacks me, I dodge, but he hits me anyway. And this is if I succeed in dodging. Usually I am just too slow and the battlefield is too confusing with enemies rushing to me from every possible and impossible side.
I am trying to play a wizard (as always), but I usually die within seconds, because almost every single enemy attacks me (like 7 of 10) despite Kai's taunting abilities. They just teleport over the battlefield and two-shot me. The only way to survive combat is chucking health potions like crazy. Now, my problem is that I have run out of money to afford health potions, because I need 5-6 of them in every fight and 7-9 in boss fights. I also tried Ranger for a change, but the same things happen.
Is there anything I can do? Or do I just have to uninstall Avowed and stop playing this kind of games? Please help me to enjoy this game!
(P.S.: I'am playing on normal for standard fights and easy for boss fights. I don't really want to lower it to story mode, because I love at least a bit of a challenge in games and it would really suck to go from PotD/Trial of Iron in Pillars to story mode in Avowed).