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Everything posted by rdullaghan2024

  1. Or you know mapping the living lands get rid of the fog the more you unlock
  2. Honesty I never use Marius he complains a lot
  3. Also would like to be able to place map marker's and possibly have a choice for a larger or more zoomed in minimap.
  4. I'm on Xbox but would be nice if there were a two tier radial for spells and abilities rather than just the directional button quick option Dragon age inquisition had it if you held down the Lt it would bring up a second set of abilities, also less fluff more unique world encounters like in Witcher 3, they're creative people surely everyone in the team has an idea or ten that would make for engaging side content come on Microsoft fund projects properly.
  5. Agree with all of these so far hopefully Obsidian will give it the same attention cdprojektred gave Cyberpunk 2077, it needs love like a garden needs tending.
  6. I agree a pickpocket system is missing although it's a fantasy setting, just walking into some chaps house and taking things without risk seems like an opportunity missed, this game could encompass more mechanics and you know there's that stealth ability in the ranger tree I've only found useful once.
  7. I'm enjoying it so far a few improvements with patches might be nice not just bug fixes, but additional content, such as •fog of war clearing when you complete Sanza's map quest or if you purchased maps •more varieties in loot specifically wands • improved visuals in relation to magic, specifically fire magic Like I said I'm enjoying it so far and only in the emerald stair, hopefully we'll see some Dlc content and a sequel, good job Obsidian.
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