High Obsidian, I and alot of other players realize that it is impossible to get a 100% scorecard on any remixed world on grounded, and I thought of a way to potentially fix that. Now I am not a game developer so I have no clue how easy or difficult this would be, but my idea is that, instead of just replacing all the milk molars in the current world and adding new ones to randomized locations when you use the remixer. How about the milk molars you missed from the world before you remixed don't go away but they stay in the exact same spot in the remixed world. So you can still collect them whilst adding the new milk molars into the remixed world, this way players don't have to make sure they get every milk molar in a world before they remix since the milk molars would no longer be missable and always attainable the player would still have a chance to reach their full upgrade potential without having to load a previous save file. Now I know that all these milk molars could add up onto the world and while there is many milk molars spawn locations, what if when the point comes where the spawns run out for only one milk molar and there isn't enough spawns to add the remaining milk molars in the remix world. Well what if the spawn could just overlap, for instance let's say two milk molars have to have the same spawn, so how about when the player goes to that spawn and finds one physical milk molar there when they break it it gives them 2 milk molars because the 2 milk molars overlapped on the spawn. Now like I said before I don't know how easy or difficult this would be to add to the game, I just think it would make the game more enjoyable and give players the opportunity to achieve 100 percent in ng+ and also it would make it so players don't feel like their missing out on upgrades/ability to get stronger when they remix because all of the milk molars they missed would still be attainable.