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Everything posted by Destiny

  1. Absolutely, it's a shame Sega canceled it.
  2. Along with Singularity, imho.
  3. What are games that didn't receive the greatest of reviews, but you actually like or think deserved a better review? Alpha Protocol | GameSpot: 6.0 A solid action RPG. I keep hearing about how this game has "bugs" but I never ran into any bugs in the game. It has a lot of replayability, and tons of character choices. The story is very interesting and interactive. It's not really a stealth game though, there haven't been any real stealth games since GameCube remake of Metal Gear Solid. Sadly the game went too mainstream, instead of trying to satisfy stealth gamers. I really wish Sega hadn't canceled Alpha Protocol 2, they should uncancel it. G-NOME | GameSpot: 6.2 G-NOME was ahead of it's time. The game is a hybrid in that it combines mech simulation and first-person shooter. The graphics aren't the best, and the multiplayer was shutdown prematurely. Sadly the game does suffer from some compatibility issues when running on Windows XP. Star Wars: Force Commander | GameSpot: 6.0 Force Commander is a real-time strategy game set in the Star Wars universe. It had a lot of hype pre-release but didn't do so well in terms of reviews, and only did slightly less than average in terms of sales. I really liked it though, but I'm not going to deny some of the game's issues, such as difficult to use controls. Star Wars: Yoda Stories | GameSpot: 4.0 I really liked this game as a kid for some reason, sure it was so unbelievably unrealistic, and I'm not talking about how streamers call CoD realistic, I'm talking about how it takes several lightsabre slashes to kill a stormtrooper, despite the fact that lightsabres can cut through just about anything, including stormtrooper armor. Geist | GameSpot: 7.8 The greatest multiplayer console FPS game I have ever played. Also one of the most innovative games to come out in the last five years. This game's unique gameplay is coupled with an amazing soundtrack, cutting edge graphics, fun multiplayer, an interesting story, and some scary horror moments. Sadly the game failed to take advantage of the GameCube's online adapters, and so the game didn't have online play. It was also one of the first (non-porno) games to feature female nudity. I'm still holding out for the rumored, yet extremely elusive, Geist 2. Total Annihilation: Kingdoms | GameSpot: 6.6 Sure, the game isn't as good as the original Total Annihilation, but that doesn't make it a bad game. I loved Kingdoms, and to this day, I still don't understand why so many people felt disappointed by it. GameStop claims it failed because it had bugs and because the RTS genre was dying, which is untrue, since the RTS genre and gaming in general was in it's prime in the late 1990s. Resident Evil: Deadly Silence | GameSpot: 7.9 I admit, I may be a little biased since I love Resident Evil (pre-RE4 Resident Evil that is), but I really enjoy this remake of the classic. Granted, it isn't as good as the GameCube remake, but that goes without saying.
  4. It seems like a lot of people hated on Alpha Protocol without even playing it. This is no doubt due to IGN giving the game a relatively bad review. But who else here actually loved the game?
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