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About lukeee_g

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  1. Got tired of seeing and listening to Publisher and Studio logos (no offense), then decided to create and share this mod. Skip Startup Logos for faster and muted startup. This is a Patchwork mod to achieve compatibility with other mods. Without the logos, it takes 10+ seconds in a black screen to load the main screen. Video showing the mod, cut for demonstration: Youtube link Link to the mod: NexusMods
  2. Some hats that looked cool with a Moon Godlike: https://imgur.com/a/EjLV73G I feel that the Pearlescent Rhomboid Helstone item should fit in all Godlikes, given that it is a flying orb: https://youtu.be/s0FmBQ8V6ww
  3. I've created some mods and have been using them in my playthrough. I'm sharing them in case someone finds them useful. They're compatible with Patchwork framework, making them compatible with other mods such as 6 Party Size. * [Disable Screen Shake](https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/784): Disable Screen Shake, I love to use Meteor Shower but I feel that the screen shake effects makes it more confusing during combat. Here is the video example: https://youtu.be/02_JYRUiDgM * [Allow Godlikes to wear hats](https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/783): In this playthrough I wanted to create a Godlike character in preparation for Avowed, but I also wanted to wear hats. Here is a photo of the mod enabled: https://i.ibb.co/2Nq4DLB/godlike-hat-mod.png
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