Hey there. I realize that's 4 years later, but any way I can get the ActionName of "Transfer" (to container)? I'm talking about the key that opens the container as a second window to transfer stuff from your inventory to it and back.
Seems to be hardcoded to R, which totally messes the keybinds I need to use, as I use it for "move forward" and any time I get in range of a container... well you get the idea. Rebinding the R(eload) to another key doesn't help, including via Sebastony's method, since apparently the Transfer action has a completely (and hidden) name.
I liked this game so much when I started playing it, and this wise decision by the devs is totally ruining it for me to the point of it being unplayabe, considering that with R's position, trying to move my keybinds a row left or right doesn't do much. Trying to move them to UHJK will have me rebind all the hardcoded keys in that part of the kbd. Just for one. Single. Key. I'm beyond words with frustration.
PS. Really, screw you Obsidian. It's ridiculous to do this to an otherwise good game, especially after I found so many posts of people inconvenienced by your questionable decision to plop unchangeable hardcoded keys straight at the center of the keyboard, left and right side, and do nothing about it for years. That's an insult to your clients.