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Posts posted by ShadyDax

  1. Are there any hopes that you would tackle Deadfire as well, at least a little?

    The consumables/potion bug is still super frustrating to deal with. Probably the most annoying/disruptive bug in the game as of right now.



    Consumable usage: at some point along the way from 4.0 to 5.0, using potions and drugs in-combat got really flaky. If you have auto-attack enabled or AI script on, the game will frequently "forget" that you told a party member to use a potion or drug and will either replace your potion/drug consumption with an attack or glitch out and put you through the consumption animation _without actually using the potion/drug._ If you are into using these items, there are only two real fixes:

    1. temporarily but completely _disable AI_ for that party member while telling them to drink; wait to hear the tell-tale sound of the potion/drug being used before turning AI back on.
    2. alternatively, set the party member to "Passive" in their AI settings. This might be a more general solution since they won't interrupt their potion drinking at all, and will continue to use AI scripts and auto-attack, the only difference being that you have to _actively_ tell them to initiate combat at start or resume combat after telling them to stop an action.
    3. "Defend Self" also works to a degree for a party member. They will still abandon their consumable usage if an enemy attacks them, but it is much less likely than Defensive or Aggressive where the AI will continuously abandon potion usage in favor of auto attack or scripts.

    There was a lot of reports on this throughout the years.





    Otherwise, rather shocked to see you come back to the game after so many years. Could it mean that while Pillars 3 is in concept/pre-production, and you've put a technical part of the team on this? haha

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