This is a spoiler free post, but I will be listing weapons. Weapon names may have insect names you haven't killed yet if you just started playing. I've just reached the upper area and my weapons aren't cutting it. I have 7 different melee weapons unlocked, but am still using the insect axe (which isn't even classified as a melee weapon) as it seems to do the most damage without draining me of stamina like the red ant club does. The melee weapons I have unlocked are, Stinger Spear, Red Ant Club, Spider Fang Dagger, Mosquito Needle, Pebblet Spear, Spiky Sprig, and Larva Blade. None of these seem better than my insect axe, but I'm a little slow and I miss a lot. Am I missing something with these weapons/maybe didn't give them all a fair shake or is the Insect axe really the best of what I have at the moment? What should I be using when venturing into the upper area for the first time?