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Posts posted by pr-1

  1. Edit: I mean I'm fine with your other thread. But coming into her stating you will cancel your pre-order of a different game just to act like this. That gets me.


    Hey - You just got me wrong - I didn't intrigue - but I really was grateful of that information - and Yes I really canceled my pre-order for FONV. Lately there has been released so many unfinished or partial games that I'm simply sick of buying them.


    I didn't. I got you right.


    Seriously why did you post that. Thats acting like a douche in the worst case.


    First of all - I'm not always paying that much attention who has developed games. Because AP was a impulse buy for me I didn't

    realize that it is developed by the same company as FONV. So that post gave me valuable information.


    After trying AP I'm really not convinced how good FONV will be. If I'm not satisfied with some product - I simply try to avoid buying from same company in the future - at least I will first double check that it really is a good product.


    So - You think it is better to pretend that AP is (and FONV surely will be) finished products ?

  2. Edit: I mean I'm fine with your other thread. But coming into her stating you will cancel your pre-order of a different game just to act like this. That gets me.


    Hey - You just got me wrong - I didn't intrigue - but I really was grateful of that information - and Yes I really canceled my pre-order for FONV. Lately there has been released so many unfinished or partial games that I'm simply sick of buying them.

  3. So your critisism comes down to personal preference of a entirly subjective matter of realism in video games?


    Ok, arguing is hopeless. I'm not trying to argue anymore.



    Edit: Just to say. In regard to "Realism" I know as good as no games (Especially in the espionage gerne) that come even remotly close.


    Realism is nice - but I'm not exactly expecting that much. Comically moving characters or ridiculous shooting are however not what I expect when I buy a game... especially when it is a game where You are going to sneak and shoot a lot ...

    If the story really is good, then it is sad that game was released so unfinished.

  4. If it wasn't playable how did I play through it? And while I agree animations were a very mixed bag (worst beeing crouching) I didn't found it less responsive than other 3rd person shooters


    Let's put it this way - moving character or shooting are so comic, that it kills all interest to continue the game.


    Except if you are talking about the PC mouse stuttering bug. In that case ini changes or the patch (If you bought the US version) could help you out.


    I'm not speaking about that bug - but overall experience. Might be this game can be modded so that it seems less comical ...

    But I'm not interested enough to search improvements.


    Also you and I have very different opinions on the meaning of trash.


    Might be someone can just ignore those kind of impairments - for me they make game unrealistic and lousy.

  5. Thank you for beeing the majority of people.


    I didn't claim my opinion represent the majority - I said I don't buy that 99% like this game ...


    Also, actually most of the Story elements have been universally praised. Main factor were people are mostly negative is towards. the gameplay. Which also lead to large differences in Ratings regarding preference of game elements. For example european reviewers were mostly positive.


    Story is really important - but the game must be playable as well - In AP characters are moving comically - controls are totally insensitive etc. etc. - What ever the story is, can't substitute it. It is simply not playable - at least if You don't prefer unintended comic ...


    But Nothing but trash. The voice of the majority says it.


    I say It is trash - and I'm serious with it

  6. I truly wish I could understand the disappointment with this game but alas.. I'm enjoying AP so much I'm on my third playthrough already. >_<


    For me Obsidian is one of those rare (and underappreciated) game developers that know how to create something with actual *replay value*. Even KOTOR 2, in all its bugginess, had way more replay value than the 1st KOTOR.


    Can't wait to see what they did with the upcoming Fallout New Vegas! :x


    Thanks for recalling that Obsidian is also behind Fallout New Vegas - I just canceled my pre-order for it

    Do you think anyone here gives a **** about what you are cancelling?


    I was honestly expressing my gratitude - I don't want to pay for nothing ....

    Btw why Are You answering when You dont give a **** ? Just don't make any sense.

    This is a game forum - not some private club for few fans.

  7. You are trashing the game on a forum, where 99% of the people like the game? How clever...


    My opinion - and the game is nothing but trash. Sorry, I don't by that 99% like the game - In this forum might be heavily over-presented those rare "fans". But it doesn't mean majority of people agree with You.

  8. I truly wish I could understand the disappointment with this game but alas.. I'm enjoying AP so much I'm on my third playthrough already. >_<


    For me Obsidian is one of those rare (and underappreciated) game developers that know how to create something with actual *replay value*. Even KOTOR 2, in all its bugginess, had way more replay value than the 1st KOTOR.


    Can't wait to see what they did with the upcoming Fallout New Vegas! :x


    Thanks for recalling that Obsidian is also behind Fallout New Vegas - I just canceled my pre-order for it

  9. Just tried AP - it seemed like an interesting game, so I was stupid enough to buy it....


    What is wrong with game developers today ? It seems to be a new trend to release partial or unfinished games nowadays.

    AP is not a playable game - it is just terrible. Controls are insensitive and characters move like some stooges. :x


    You need to be miserable bored, and have nothing else to do even to play through the tutorial part ....


    Don't buy this one - better trash Your money. >_<

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