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Everything posted by Maddox

  1. Maybe the armor would have a set bonus of slow falling or something. And also the poison coating would be great. It could be like thorns, except poisoning the enemy when you get hit by it.
  2. So, me and my dad have been playing grounded with each other, and it's been amazing. We beat the hedge and pond lab together, but after that, we had no time to play together because of his job. He only has tier-2 weapons and gear. I beat the haze and black ant lab without him, got tier-3 gear, and opened Wendell's SCA.B. I have also been getting a lot of milk molars. I know that mega milk molars count for everybody but do regular ones? And I don't know if the normal milk molars respawn for other players, and my dad is way behind me. I got tier-three gear for him ready for when he can play again but I'm worried that he will be underpowered because I got a lot of milk molars. I feel like the milk molars are unfair on multiplayer if they are finite, but I have not tested that. If they are finite then it's probably worse for a four-player world. I think it should be that after a player gets a regular milk molar, the molar will respawn after an in-game day or 2 and will respawn 4 times for each player. For a player who is trying to break a molar after he/she has already gotten it, it will simply say "You already have this one" or something like that. This might be kinda hard to code, but it will make the game much better. Also, can someone answer my question about the molar system currently?
  3. This game is one of my favorites and I have a few suggestions. First, I think that there should be flies in this game, and that they would be like a higher level bee. They would be neutral, but will attack you on sight in the garbage heap like the bees at the picnic table. I think you should be able to tame all neutral bugs, and ride some like bees, roly polies, fire flies, and so forth. Another boss should be a lizard or toad, that is the last boss in progression. The lizard could be under the sandbox, and the toad could be in a wet cavern in the Moldorc Highlands. There should also be a fire ant queen boss that when killed, drops some sort of liquid to make a armor to neutralize and tame fire ants. The armor can control at least twenty ants at once, so you can have your own small fire ant army. The armor does not have a lot of defense however, and by using toad, or lizard scales, will make it reinforced and have more defense.
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