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Everything posted by Moginheden

  1. I've also found the lack of details on what buffs do frustrating. The problem that most of them are hidden because you have a lot of them but only a few show up is also annoying.
  2. I haven't had a problem with opening the gardening interface, but I've frequently destroyed the garden trying to harvest from it. Can we make garden plots, (or just all player buildables) immune to player weapon swings? Or at the very least immune to player's axes or have significantly more health.
  3. Currently turrets are sort-of hard to use because of their limited angles, low health, and likelihood to damage your own walls, but placing them on an angled roof or even just on a vertical wall 3 walls up makes them usable, (and you need to have more than one for mix.r events since enemies come from multiple angles. This is all expected and a good trade off for what they SHOULD be. The problem comes with the ammo types. Here's a list: Rocky Rounds: They have terrible range, are slow to fire, and do less damage than your fist. Groundy Rounds: They have ok range, are slow to fire, do even less damage, and bring filers down for about 1 second, (but take longer than that to reload) and only seem to ground the bugs on the first hit.... then do basically nothing while the filers get off the ground and proceed to wreck your base. Sappy Rounds: They claim to slow the enemy... they might a little, but in a base defence hitting enemies on approach actually speeds them up as the bugs start at a walking pace and their run slowed down by these rounds is faster than their walk. They also hit about as hard as a wet fart. Splody Rounds: They are almost a melee weapon with how low their range is. You are only barely beyond their explosion radius. Unfortunately a direct hit from them is about the same as a teir 1 weapon and their aoe does about 1/5 to 1/10 of the damage. They are also incredibly slow to fire. Make and huck bombs instead, you'll do more damage, faster, and possibly at further distance. (Even with bombs being basically useless in the upper yard due to low damage...) Burny rounds: They almost do decent damage... too bad their reload time is abysmal. The fire AOE they leave seems to do nothing at all. It might be bugged or just incredibly low damage. They are also annoying to farm the components. (Annoying to farm components is a good thing if they are powerful... they are not.) Pointy Rounds: The only decent ammo. Fires fast, has decent range, a bit inaccurate. It's easy to farm this, but you will need way more than you first thought since you chew through it quickly. This ammo should be the beginner ammo since it's easy to use and it's theoretical DPS is much higher. Unfortunately with the way damage is applied in this game there is both a percent reduction and a flat reduction. That flat reduction means pointy rounds are garbage against enemies that you actually need to worry about. Maybe turrets are bugged right now? Maybe they just need a re-balance. I think pointy rounds are fine as-is, but they are designed for low-tier stuff. The other ammo types need a huge buff to make turrets actually usable in the upper yard. What I'd like to see is a massive increase in damage for all the non-pointy rounds. Also groundy rounds need to be able to keep a single bug on the ground permanently if you keep firing. This means a faster reload, or longer effect, and to work on followup shots. Sappy rounds should completely stop a bug in it's tracks on about 1/5 hits, (and both types should also do significantly more damage.) I just tried to use a turret in the super mix.r against ticks and tiger mosquitoes and I had the guard dog and coup-de-grass mutations active. The damage was so low that I'm thinking something might be bugged. This is the situation turrets should be doing the most damage, and they were barely hurting anything.
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