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Posts posted by DPB

  1. For me, the main thing to avoid is screwing the squishy classes with forced dialogue/positioning.


    e.g. my Mage PC walks into a room and triggers a cut-scene where there is a chat between the big bad's dragon (not necessarily a literal dragon) and my PC. It concludes with us having to fight. Now I find that, due to pre-determined programming, my mage is stood smack-bang in front of the big orc/troll/blackguard and my front-line fighters are behind my PC.


    NWN 1 & 2 were the worst for this.


    This also happened despite clever sneaking with stealthy characters. NWN2 would even let you sneak with a party NPC e.g. Neela and when you walked somewhere that triggered a conversation your PC and Neela would switch locations, wherever they were stood.


    I don't want in-game triggers to ruin me tactically.

    I second this, I've been replaying IWD2 recently and I've been surprised just how much it takes control away from the player. It's not such an issue in a game where you don't have designated leader, but it's still annoying ruining your preparation and making you walk straight into ambushes.


    There's one particularly stupid encounter where your party is forced into a cutscene where they walk towards a lich hurling several spells at a cleric, only to stand around gormlessly watching the cleric die, when they could have easily stepped in to help him. I think there was another encounter where you weren't given control back until a group of enemies had closed on your position, and the final battle forced your party to walk into a specific place too.


    I don't like having control taken away from me unless there's a valid reason, like walking into a trap or being teleported away somwhere.

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  2. I think the main problem is that the game gives a bad first impression, in that the gameplay doesn't become fun until you get your abilities. I almost gave up in frustration trying to sneak my way through one of the levels in Saudi Arabia (which, as it turned out was the most difficult mission there and a bad choice to begin with), but I persevered and ended up really liking it in the end. It's not perfect (I could have done without all the doors permanently shutting behind you and I didn't like the save system at all) but it certainly deserves a better reputation than it has.

  3. I'm a long-time lurker, but I haven't read these forums much recently - does Obsidian or Sega have a community manager that posts here? I'm not demanding anything, but it would be nice to have an official comment on whether or not us European residents are going to get a patch.


    The patch is said fix the jittery mouselook, which was the issue that stopped me playing the game. I've tried all the fixes here and all they do is make it slightly better, and I can never get the hang of using a controller to shoot things (which is the only 'fix' that works completely).

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