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About hrhsupercorgi

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  1. 1. Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam). Both on PC through Steam 2. Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you tell us how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if known) Mulitplayer, 2 Players, same WiFi, Windows machines 3. Description of issue. This is a little hard to describe, so I'm sorry if I don't use the correct terminology. When both players are in a menu or a chest and they move or click anything, the other player will experience "jumping" or curser won't be on what it previously was on and it moves around as the other player is putting stuff away or crafting or just generally going through the different tabs and moving. For example, I'm trying to craft something and I'm moving through the craft menu while my friend is storing and sorting chests. I'll be on one item to craft and it will suddenly move. I notice this is especially bad when scrolling. I'll be scrolling through the craftables and then it will suddenly jump up to the top. 4. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. Again, it happens almost every time we're in the menu together trying to craft, scroll, or when one of us is in a chest. I believe it also happens if someone is at the workbench as well. Anyone else have this issue? I couldn't find anything on the forums, but maybe I missed it. We've played multiple sessions, about 25 hours put in and it happens every time we play. Thanks for the help!
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