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Everything posted by LazyTitan434

  1. Me and my friend's server has a pretty big plot of land plowed and paved for a bunch of gardens to grow muscle sprouts. We maybe have ~50 gardens. Interacting with this many gardens is a chore! Precisely pointing at and grabbing the sprout (or chopping it if it grew extra big) is so hard. I often miss and click the garden instead. But I now have to escape out and retry. Then click back in, plant a sprout, add fertilizer, then press "Q"? I mess this sequence up often. It is hard. I even miss my axe swings and occasionally just destroy the garden. Having to rebuild it and move the weed stems around is a hassle. At at the end of all this work, it really only is enough muscle sprouts to last us a few big adventures. Some cool automation or a bigger farm type building would be amazing!
  2. I recommend you build a grass platform and a set of stairs up the tree to the light. Make a base up there. You can kill the gnats nightly and have plenty of food and gnat fuzz
  3. To add to this, what does filling an enemy with self doubt do? How can I find this out in the game? Is there a way? Or is the Wiki all there is? And forgot to say before, the debuffs from certain bugs like gas or haze should be better shown and described. During combat I have no idea what effect is actually causing the affects I see on my character. Similarly the buffs of different foods, or potions, are so hard to determine what is on and how much longer it will last. I tend to avoid making meals because it wastes other ingredients as I don't often take advantage of the buff in the time its in affect. The potions are such a low duration item and the meals are such a large duration buff. It'd just be nice to more easily see what effects are active, what exactly they affect (omg there is a stun counter of some sort?!), and how much longer they will last. Please and thank you. And reminder, I love this game. I spend more time with it than my wife lately with two young babies.
  4. Want to start this suggestion by letting the team know I LOVE this game. I have not fell into a game like this in over a decade. This is coming from a 33 year old father of 2 who played video games since he was 8. This game is a masterpiece. I only have 57 hours played but I am generally very busy and have severely cut into my sleep schedule to play this game. It is nearly the only thing I do in the little free time I have available. Please, the benefits of gear, gear sets, buffs, combat states, and de-buffs could really do with a total overhaul. No where in the crafting menu are detailed stats shown. Set bonuses are never mentioned until you have the set equipped. Even when equipped the bonus is written in a fun way and not a descriptive way. Are we supposed to rely on the wiki for this info? I am 57 hours in and just learned the wiki exists. Anyway, just my two cents. I love the pacing of most in-game "discoveries" but I don't like when one is a discovery outside of the game world If you read all that, thanks!
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