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Buddy Juan

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About Buddy Juan

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  1. Followup question to the last question i had. How do i go about to edit the description of the ability? I've found the description under Abilities --> GenericAbility --> Valorous_Echoes --> Description. Whenever i try to edit the description, I can't save the edit, it always reverts. And another question, as I've gotten quite ambitious with Apotheosis I know how to edit existing items and abilities, but have not understood how to create items or add new effects to exiting abilities (the latter I'm trying to do). I wanted to add a new effect to a already exiting ability (be it active or passive), this case Devoted ability for fighter. I found it in Abilities --> GenericAbility --> Devoted. Here I found under StatusEffects the "effects" the ability gives (e.g. Devoted_SE_CritDamage). How would I go about to add a new effect like these (for example +10% damage). I hope this is not to hard. I imagine i could use one of the already existing effects as a guideline, since they would provide similar effects. Thanks for all your help!
  2. This worked perfectly, thanks so much! Apotheosis is quite handy, relatively simple to understand, love it One last thing I tried to change an abilities inspiration keyword from insightful to smart (Valorous Echoes). I've managed to make the game recognize the keyword as smart. I changed the keyword to Inspiration_Intellect, and under StatusEffectsValue i changed it to INS_Smart_SE_Intellect, and a lastly i changed under AfflictionComponent the icon to gui/icons/keywords/int_pos_1.png and AffictionType to INS_Intelligence. This made the game recognize that it as smart inspiration, giving a bonus of 5 int, but I can't seem to change the display name to smart from insightful. This makes it confusing, as it displays it as a perception bonus, while it gives the intellect inspiration. Is there any way to change the display name? And have i gone the right way about changing it from insightful to smart? All changes was made under status effect category. Thanks in advanced
  3. Think i figured out, I now see when you save you create folders in override folder One more thing I was wandering about is when you edit an abilites duration. I messed around with it in notepad (Stopped using it now, Apotheosis is far superior ), and figured out you can change "DurationOverride" to change the ability duration. But when you look at the ability in the level up table it says it's original duration, even though the ability has the correct duration when you look at the ability on your skillbar ingame. It's a small thing, but how does one go about to change the description Thanks in advanced!
  4. Thanks, this is immensely helpful. I can do all the changes you've mentioned, but I can't seem to save the changes. I can apply changes to the class table, but can't save them afterwards. I see no save icon like the one you highlighted in your post. What could be the reason for this?
  5. Hi! Asked this question on another forum, said i should ask here to, so here we go I was wandering how on can change an ability from power level 8 to 7. In this case it the ability time parasite for cipher. Wanted to try it out on a multiclass after replaying the game a couple of times. I've figured out you can use Notepad++ to open abilities.gamedatabundle localized at "Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\exported\design\gamedata". Here I've figured out you can change "AbilityLevel":8 to "AbilityLevel":7, and "UsageValue":80 to "UsageValue":70. This makes it possible to use the ability, but not learn it on level up, as it's still classified as a power level 8 skill on when leveling your character. I can use console to add the ability, which the game recognize as a level 7 ability, but then i wanted to make it so i can pick it on level up on power level 7. So here I was wandering if it's possible to drop it from level 8 to level 7, so a muticlassed character can use it on lv 19? Thanks in advanced
  6. Hi! I was wandering how on can change an ability from power level 8 to 7. In this case it the ability time parasite for cipher. Wanted to try it out on a multiclass after replaying the game a couple of times. I've figured out you can use Notepad++ to open abilities.gamedatabundle localized at "Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\exported\design\gamedata". Here I've figured out you can change "AbilityLevel":8 to "AbilityLevel":7, and "UsageValue":80 to "UsageValue":70. This makes it possible to use the ability, but not learn it on level up, as it's still classified as a power level 8 skill on when leveling your character. So here I was wandering if it's possible to drop it from level 8 to level 7, so a muticlassed character can use it on lv 19? Thanks in advanced
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