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Everything posted by Dinner

  1. I had the same problem. Unfortunately, the only way I got mine to work was by pulling up the cheat console.
  2. Yea and still unsuccessful
  3. TSLRCM 1.7. I believe it's the newest one available Edit: Whoops just read the question again. Only mod I have was the Onderon Visa Expansion mod and that's it
  4. Alrighty, so I downloaded TSLRCM 1.7 and I love it. All the fixes are fantastic. Now my problem is when I'm on Onderon the 1st time, I went to jam in the Iziz cantina and I wanted to play some pazzak with Niko. But he is not at his spot so that makes Onderon incomplete( although I used cheats to warp to sky tower) Just wondering if it was a glitch in the TSLRCM or something else
  5. Have you downloaded the 1.0 patch?
  6. Well, unfortunately I am clueless. I don't think you can though
  7. Well, you could download KSE (KOTOR SaveGame Editor) and you can change your player's appearance.
  8. I know I know. It was a good level that should have been in the original game.
  9. Oh. My experience was wierd because after I installed the patch, it did the same thing even when I loaded a pre-NS game. I passed it by building the airspeeder and some other precautions
  10. Well, I got this with mixed results. Good news: I got into HK factory. Bad news: when I go to the door in the munitions depot. It says locked until I pull the chain and then it says "This badly damaged droid looks like it was made to construct or modify droids and I have 2 use the cheat console to warp past reactor
  11. Ahhh. Yes I had the same problem. Have you downloaded the Nar shadaa fix for 1.6 or for whichever TSLRCM u have (if you have one)
  12. Now when you say more trandoshans, I assume you mean red eclipse right? If yes, then did you already do that part before when the leader was on the Ebon Hawk?
  13. Alright. So I have cheats on is there anything else I need to do?
  14. Sorry for double post but do you type in 262 hk factory in the cheat console or in the swkotor2.ini file?
  15. Oh Ok. Thanks for the info.
  16. Now is that automatically enabled in TSLRCM 1.7?
  17. So I installed the ns fix for TSLRCM 1.6 and the Red Eclipse scene doesn't show. However, a new error occurs. I just got back from Droid warehouse and fought to the area where u change the ID. I do that but then a cutscene of the Zhug Bros. in the cantina pops up. I already saw it before and now I can't leave at all. Any suggestions??
  18. Never mind! I got it thanks!
  19. So I have done all the planets: Dantooine, Korriban, and part 1 of onderon. I'm on Nar shadda and I have faced the red eclipse already once and when I head towards the docks, it does the cutscene with the toydarian counting the spice. I went to do it again and their were only 4 trandoshans that attacked me No one else had spawned. I went on Ebon Hawk and everything is locked up and I can't leave. Any suggestions? P.S. I have TSLRCM 1.6 installed as well. Don't know if this will help though
  20. Thanks! Patch finally installed!!!! Also, I think part of the original problem was because I kept my old override folder after I uninstalled my game. Thank you so much!
  21. Is it one of the .dll files? I got a patchw32.dll as well as mss32.dll and binkw32.dll. Are these any of the files or which file am I looking for?
  22. Oh I don't think I deleted all the files. Where would I find those files?
  23. the 201420.exe file. It gets to 33% then says the message of old file not found
  24. Is there anyway to do that?
  25. So I try downloading the UK version 1st but it said the same thing after 33%
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