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Posts posted by Hensler

  1. I think I'm just about done buying Sega games, especially on the PC. Over the past few years I've bought:


    Space Siege

    Empire: Total War


    Alpha Protocol

    I also had The Club given to me as gift.


    Space Siege was completely abandoned, full of bugs, as soon as it was released, and a patch never showed up. There wasn't even technical support offered for the game when people called Sega for help.


    Empire was full of bugs when it was released, and about half of them were taken out after 6 months of patches. Instead of fixing the rest of the bugs, Sega released Napoleon, which should have been an expansion pack to Empire, as a full game.


    Stormrise was released with half the features in the manual not in the game, a very minor patch was released that didn't fix much. A second patch was promised, but never showed up. After months of waiting, a forum moderator got confirmation that it had been canceled.


    The PC version of the Club was missing graphics, textures, and features along with being full of bugs. The network code didn't work for a lot of people, preventing them from ever playing a multiplayer game, and the patch that Sega said was being developed was never released.


    And now Alpha Protocol, and everyone on this forum should know about the troubles it has had. I don't blame Obsidian as much as I do Sega (though I am still pissed off about KoToR 2 :sorcerer: ), so I'm done with Sega games.

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