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  1. Brother in arms, In the face of the insidious interference plaguing our cooperative battles in Grounded, I offer you an additional counsel. If the host of our righteous endeavors bears an AMD GPU, caution must be exercised. For in the grip of this perilous conjunction, it is advised that the host refrains from running a browser alongside the game. The arcane machinations of the AMD GPU, entwined with the unpredictable nature of browsers, may exacerbate the warp-like distortions within the menus and chests. By minimizing additional programs, we may strengthen the stability of our shared experience, ensuring our focus remains undeterred. Remember, the Emperor favors those who demonstrate vigilance and adaptability. In this digital crusade, let us stand united, ever watchful against the forces of disorder. May the Omnissiah guide us through this trial and deliver us to victory! For the Imperium! For the God-Emperor! For Grounded! XBOXLIVELOVER69
  2. Greetings, fellow gamers! As devout followers of the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, we find ourselves venturing into the microscopic world of Obsidian Entertainment's Grounded. However, there's a vexing problem that I believe many of us can relate to: the inconsistency of drinkable water drops. Surviving in Grounded requires us to battle the elements, and water is a vital resource. Yet, it's incredibly frustrating to stumble upon water droplets that should quench our thirst, only to discover they are undrinkable. It feels like a cruel joke from the Chaos Gods themselves. While the game's challenge is appreciated, the unpredictability of drinkable water sources hampers our ability to plan effectively. We need reliable resources to adapt and thrive. As devoted Warhammer 40K players, we understand the importance of adaptation, but this issue hinders our progress. Therefore, I kindly request that Obsidian Entertainment addresses this concern promptly. Ensuring consistent drinkable water droplets would greatly enhance our gaming experience. Let us unite and respectfully bring this matter to their attention, showcasing our passion for both Warhammer 40K and the immersive world of Grounded. For the Emperor! For Terra! For Grounded! XBOXLIVELOVER69
  3. Since devs are trolling. You can create the token by going to https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf?lw=1&fl=dob,easi2&xsup=1&code_challenge=NVj7BsBoivX65UPKgHiqDRY4KWte_bIMgYGOPfUA1RY&code_challenge_method=S256&state=f0t-uLeIMfEev6hVQXdTnXf9G_zPoIRBaA_qyHZnSCnSrZ5CSLgjgXIbcC_p_Ghh4MfELfTDuyctmXpX_HAgLw&prompt=select_account&client_id=000000004027A245&response_type=code&scope=xboxlive.signin+offline_access&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flogin.live.com%2Foauth20_desktop.srf&nopa=2 in your Browser After that you can login ingame
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