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About andi255

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  1. A short update about my journey: - Dig site done, I was sneaking around with Eder and we managed to kill some stuff. - Grocceri Street: I remember this (nightmares ) but this time I sneaked to the main bandit and talked with him. So now it is time to leave the island. I will look up what I should do with the ship. Probably buy some foot and hire a few guys to 'run' the ship.
  2. Question about these AI conditions: How do I get the two wounds for Enlightened Agony at the beginning of a fight? FF will be used if Enlightened Agony is up ... do I need to use FF manually? Hm, I would need a condition like "if wounds < 2 use FF". Not at the PS5 now, need to check later...
  3. Thank you, that is good to know! Do you have any idea how I could test if the FF attack is considered a weapon and does benifit from things like Heartbeat Drumming? (sounds not easy to me )
  4. I'm playing RTwP. And I try to automate it as far as possible. So I already discovered this 'monster of AI editor' and I will sink some time into it to figure out a good setup for my party. Yesterday I started the game and currently I'm with Eder on the starting island. Did not go yet to the dig-side. Currently I'm thinking about going with a party of 3, Pallegina as third. So 3 melee characters, hopefully it get's the job done.
  5. It is probably more optimal / efficient with mouse and keyboard (and I did it a lot years ago) but personally now I like the more 'layed back' approach on the sofa. Especially after a working day at a desk. And after some time getting used to the controller it works pretty well. What I dislike the most are the loading times of new areas. But I guess that is the same on PC, maybe it is more optimized.
  6. Wow, really thank you very much for given me all the details about the mechanics and the tips regarding gear, highly appreciated! I think I'll start with the Unbroken / FF build and give myself time to learn all the stuff about the game mechanics and with what kind of playstyle I have fun. And Eder with dual sabres sounds wicked :-). Great, let's start the game!
  7. Great, thanks for the detailed tips! FF Monk looks really interesting! I read some other threads about this sub class. I will play on PS5 and Community Patch is not an option there (hopefully the patch level will let me allow to play a 'functional' FF monk). Would you still recommend it for PS5 gameplay or better do another build? Any idea on how to build Eder? Devoted Fighter with Shield and Sabre?
  8. Hi, I played POE and POE2 (did not finish it) years ago and now I want to give POE2 another try on PS5. Recently I enjoyed playing pathfinder kingmaker with a magus as main character. So I would like to play with a small party (maybe only with Eder but for the first run it may be better to go with a party of 3 or 4?) on POTD not (too) much micro management minimal resting MC should be a melee char (can cast a spell/buff here and there but mainly melee) MC should not be too squishy, I don't like to reload all time and it does not feel strong to me :-) Should be able to do all content including mega bosses So from what I read Monks are very strong and I played this class in POE1 and liked it. Any suggestions which Monk Class to play? And not too complicated to understand? Multiclass? Or a strong paladin (multiclass) build? Do you think playing POTD with only Eder is too much of a challenge going in relative blindly? Recommendation for a third party member? Thanks a lot for help and advice!
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