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Everything posted by RaniiDaki

  1. This is really helpful! Thank yous so much! and If I may ask what is your Social media account/website so I may view your work? I am very interested in your knowledge on the subject!
  2. Hi I am an aspiring Concept Artist who is currently a Student at an Art School. I was wondering if anybody had any tips to boost a concept art portfolio or Resume? I am currently learning Blender for my environments. Is it seen as beneficial for 2d concept artists to also learn 3d softwares to help with their concept but in general to also be proficient at it for Resume and getting hired. If so, is being proficient in Blender good or should you as a concept artist know another programmes? I believe the industry today asks so much of artists and I only want what is best for my portfolio and Resume, would love to hear from people! Thanks!
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