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Posts posted by Luqtis

  1. Hello,


    firstly it is really sad that my first post in the forums is in Tech Support. Truly a great game, great story line, very deep character customisation as a agent and a personality. But sadly today, i encountered a biiiig problem.


    Firstly it all was ok, with few changes made in config files game run quite great (my pc is not high-end, but with low-mid settings it runs smooth). after i shutdown the pc, the second time i launched the game, loaded my safehouse (after two missions in afgan) screen is flashing in black when i move the mouse. when i stop moving it, screen stays black or normal. again starting moving in game - it starts to flash. (normal - black, normal - black etc etc..)


    I really would like a solution for this, cuz its impossible for me to continue my game..


    P.S. the only things i did, was change smooth frame rate for the mouse and made all the config .ini files read-only...


    Best wishes,


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