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Kavan Longfellow

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About Kavan Longfellow

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  1. I built up on the log near the stump. I'm now being raided there for the 1st time - but weavers. They can't get up to the base, & I can't find any of them down below. The raid won't end, & I can't camp out & save progress. Is there seriously no way to resolve a raid that gets messed up like this? o_0
  2. The crash is a 'screen freezes, game shuts down completely' on my end. My friend he just gets kicked back to the login screen on his end.
  3. Crashed again. It's down to like 5 minutes of playtime between crashed now. Unplayable.
  4. I've been very stable until today. I've now crashed 4 or 5 times within about 3 hours. PC Multiplayer hosting (the one that no one can play unless the host is logged in) Last action - varies; I know I've had it happen when I was crafting a structure in the game, demolishing a structure in the game, & I think possibly just moving around (can't remember for certain on that last one). Generally I crash & my friend is kicked a second or 2 later; there is some definite lag between my screen freezing up & him being booted.
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