Hello there, I have browsed known issues and could not find anything that directly relates to the problem I am having, I'm hoping someone may have advice on a fix. My friends and I play on a shared multiplayer world, that 90% of the time I host (as a natural born leader). A couple of days ago, we completed the game. We activated the SPAC.R to 'go home', watched the cut scene and credits, saw the 'Thanks For Playing' message, then we were all automatically taken back to the main menu. We immediately continued the game, where all our characters were stood at the SPAC.R, played for a further 10 minutes or so upgrading gear etc. then I saved the game upon us quitting out. The following day, my friend tried to continue our game - but the only save file he could load was day 117 before we defended the MIX.R for the quest PRIOR to activating the SPAC.R. He immediately quit the game and waited for me to return home. Upon trying myself, it did the same thing - however there was one backup save that I was able to load instead, on day 123 which was back to before we activated the SPAC.R. Strangely, all the gear I upgraded AFTER activating the SPAC.R the previous day - was still upgraded! I decided to go ahead and activate the SPAC.R again, but again after watching the cut scene, credits and 'Thanks For Playing' it returned me to the main menu and whenever I try to continue the game - the only save file is day 123 - taking me back to before the SPAC.R was activated. It seems as though the game is unable to save after completing this quest - due to immediately taking me back to the main menu as soon as the cut scenes finishes. When my friend attempts to continue the game as host, the only save file he is able to load is still taking him back to before we defending the MIX.R's. Thanks very much in advance for any help or suggestions.