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Veroku Chan

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1 Neutral

About Veroku Chan

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  1. Your interpretation of non-hostile and neutral are the same. Hostile-Attack on sight, Non-Hostile-Will not attack unless attacked, Friendly-Will not attack period. Obviously there should be limits, and what creatures this would and would not work on is entirely up to the devs. Obviously for the purpose of raids, this would not work. I'm not suggesting disabling all enemies in every aspect. There are other methods for that. This suggestion is for the exact sort of reasons I mentioned. You seem to take quite a hostile approach to your wording.
  2. It would be nice to see some sort of Scarecrow/Totem item that can be constructed and placed. That would either ward away certain creatures, or make them docile/non-hostile in it's perimeter. I am currently constructing a base and bees are constantly aggroing and attacking from outside the base itself, often causing massive damage to many walls/floors/and other items. All while being outside the base. They have become a constant annoyance, and I would very much like a way to make them docile, if not outright keep them away from the base. As they are always flying directly into a wall, a floor(from underneath), or the roof(from above). Aggroing, and attacking at random as I move through the base. I would be perfectly fine if such a thing was difficult to craft, or was specific to each individual creature(though having one for each may be problematic)
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