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Everything posted by Lowgor

  1. and ive also been to the trinkets location, just to get sure. it wasnt there either...
  2. hellooo! after an gamecrash i lost my trinket(thors pendant), its not been at the lockation of the reload not in any of my chests, not in my base, not on any other player ever payed with me( its just 1) nowhere. is there any way to fix this pls help, i really loved it ! cheers!
  3. hellooo, in my main save i had the issue that after a gamecrash my trinket(thors pendant) wast on me anymore. after the restart i looked everywhere in the area, my base, all my chests 10 times. i even went to the trinkets location, but its not there either, can anyone help me? i really loved that thingy cheers
  4. since i am an early accsess owner and player of this awesome game i am wondering why there are no slingshots envolved !? wouldnt that be an awesome idea with all the different rocks in the game and overall a perfect fit in style and charm? has anyone ever considered slingshots in grounded anybody knows ? lets get this viral if you like slingshots ^^ cheers!
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