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Posts posted by Kira_Tsukasa

  1. About your technical issue, we can't help without more information on your settings for the game and your system. Did you try to lower the graphic settings of the game ? OR change the affinity of your CPU ? Or play in compatibility mode XP in case you are running the game on VistaWin7 ?

    Did you patch the game ? Did you install a mod ?


    Does any of that REALLY matter? No program, except for viruses, is supposed to stop an OS from running entirely, no matter what settings are made. And you didn't read the question at all. I asked if the same thing had been encountered before and what was done in THOSE cases. I am NOT giving out my computer's specifications over the Internet and opening myself to a slew of hackers.


    You know what, forget it. I've had it with this game and this game company. There is absolutely no reason to release a game filled with so many errors and offer no support for them, leaving customers to fend for themselves and hope that someone can hack the game into working. I will never buy anything made by this company again, nor will I ever recommend anything that they made. This is absolutely ridiculous.

  2. After scouring the Internet with a fine toothed comb, I finally get the game to run, and it runs good...until I hit a pretty major snag. I'm through Paragus and on the Harbinger, I have the navcom records, and I'm going through the crew quarters area. There's two rooms across from each other at the end of the hall, mine and a locked one, along with a third door perpendicular to the others. I open this door, enter the room and get ambushed by Sith Assassins. That's where it gets tricky. After fighting these guys for a few seconds, everything freezes. Everything. My entire OS just stops. I can only get out of it by doing a hard shut down. I went back into the game, thinking it was just a fluke although I saved before opening that door, and it happened again. Next time, I try to load that save and the bar moves to the end and freezes my system there, without even switching to the game. Alright, corrupted save file, no big deal. My other save isn't that far back (I actually got the records and went back to Peragus the way I came, the save is after I figured out I had to exit another way). I run it from there, going all the way back to where it was and it freezes again. Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else? If so, what was done to fix it?


    On a related note, this is my first play of the game and I headed to the quarters before going to the bridge, but it wouldn't let me to that level yet. Whenever I get about halfway through that room (the one right next to the place you first enter the Harbinger from) now, I hear the sound of glass breaking, like a window or something. Is that normal?

  3. (Apologies for the double post, I can't seem to find the edit button...)


    I managed to find a mss32.dll file after a LOT of digging around different sites, but it didn't work. At all. There were also several other fixes on that site that did no good either.


    I have a Windows XP operating system disk from my old laptop (which doesn't work anymore, sadly), would I be able to install that on my laptop made for Vista or would there be hardware compatibility issues? The old one is an HP while this one is Compaq so I don't see any problems with manufacturer specificness. Perhaps I should install it onto an external hard drive?


    ANY help here would be appreciated as I'm really grasping at straws at this point.

  4. I'm running Vista and my problem is this: The game runs fine, no problems whatsoever, until I try to actually play. I create my character, watch the opening scene, then the program stops responding. I've tried to run it in compatibility mode for both Windows XP and Windows 2000 and neither of them worked. I've read that the mss32.dll switch has worked every time, however the all the links to the download on filefront are no longer working. Does anyone know where else I could download this file? Or would it be possible for someone to send it to me? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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