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Everything posted by Bravenheart

  1. I would like to see the ability to set a default recipe in crafting stations so that it is easier to queue a bunch of the same item without having to path to the recipe every time the station is opened. An example of this is crafting crude rope with the spinning wheel, where the station always opens on the silk rope by default; I'd like to be able to set the default to any recipe I choose, like crude rope. This way, the crafting station can be opened and you can immediately start crafting your desired recipe with little down time. Another QoL feature in queue-based crafting stations I would like to see would be the ability to hold space to fill the queue (or have W act as craft all & take all), instead of having to spam space until the queue is filled. I realize the game is finished and is no longer receiving updates, but if an update is planned for the future, I would like to see these QoL features added. Thanks!
  2. So you pin arrows, or smoothies, or food, then use them all. Since the item is no longer in your inventory, the pin disappears. Constantly reapplying pins sounds like more work than just toggling off a chest no? Unless there exists some middle ground between the two.
  3. Really not that complicated, a tool that toggles off and on resource spawning. 1) When you cut down the stump, the resource is gone forever. A lot of people do not know this. My tool allows for the resource to regrow even if the stump is cut down. 2) spamming foundations everywhere to block resource spawns is asthetically unappealing and causes uneeded structure lag
  4. I still think a chest toggle is better, an inventory wide blacklist for every item (game has hundreds of items) you don't want to be hot-deposited sounds overly complex. Most people have their storage rooms sorted already, and the hot deposit feature takes advantage of this by only depositing items into chests that contain matching items already.
  5. Understanding how resources respawn in Grounded is not very intiutive, especially for new players. I myself still do not understand how grass respawns in the yard due to the lack of official information from Obsidian and the abundance of potential misinformation in forum posts. Do you remove the grass stumps? Do you leave them? Who knows. One forum post says one thing and the next contradicts. (This should be obvious, but I am using this as an example, not as an invitation to share your thoughts on grass respawning in the comments). The confusion is exacerbated by the fact that resource respawning seems to be different for the different resources. With weed stems, I have consistently removed the stumps to have the weed stems regrow. With grass, I have removed the stumps to have the grass not regrow. Confusion. So, moving on to my thoughts on resource respawning. As far as I can tell, resources in Grounded have static respawns. When you destroy a rock, a new rock will respawn at the same location given time (same goes for grass, stems, etc). What I propose is a moderately complex item, "Weed Killer." "Weed Killer" Functionality: When the item is equipped, every farmable & respawnable resource becomes highlighted with a blue outline (default is blue, meaning the resource will respawn) With the item equipped, right-clicking on said farmable & respawnable resource highlights it with a red outline, meaning that the resource will no longer respawn After harvesting, the red outline will remain where the resource is supposed to statically respawn and will be visible when the item is equipped With the item equipped, left-clicking on said farmable & respawnable resource highlights it with a blue outline, meaning that the resource will now respawn normally It doesn't make sense that weed killer would be reversable, but adding a secondary item to allow resources to respawn increases complexity and is not needed (in my opinion) What "Weed Killer" will do for the game: Eliminate confusion (and misinformation) by having a single system to enable/disable resource spawning Allow players to disable the spawning of resources that interfere with base building Probably other stuff What needs to be addressed with the addition of "Weed Killer": The current respawning system needs to be made static across all farmable & respawnable resources Meaning that all resources respawn regardless of whether their stumps are harvested, etc. UNTIL the player physically disables their respawns with "Weed Killer." The name and functionality of my suggested item is up for discussion, but I believe the idea to be relatively sound no matter the end result. Let me know your thoughts below!
  6. 1) Holding G on grass/stem storage pallets deposits all currently held items onto the pallet, instead of spamming G to individually deposit each plank/stem The hold G would be an addition to the current tap G, so the player has the option to perform one or the other. This feature would be a nice QoL improvement given that the combination of Fluffy Pupa Hat, red ant armor, and the worker's comp smoothies allow the player to hold quite a few items in their hands and spamming G can get old when building. 2) Holding SPACE while in the Grinder / Spinning Wheel menu crafts all, instead of spamming space to individually craft each rope The hold SPACE would be an addition to tapping space, so the player has the option to craft individually in addition to filling the crafting queue with one press. 3) The Grinder should recognize grass plank / stem pallets as valid inventories when crafting plant fiber This feature eliminates the extra step of the player having to pick up the grass / stems when crafting plant fiber. When a grinder setup is scaled up (many grinders), there is a lot of in-between where the player is going back and forth to the pallets to retrieve the items. 4) The addition of a set-default feature to crafting stations (cooking station, grinder, spinning wheel, etc.) As an explanation of this problem, I often mass craft silk rope, but there is an extra step involved because the spinning wheel defaults to crude rope, so the player has to select the silk rope before crafting. In my case, with a large Spinning Wheel setup, mass crafting crude rope is easy, but silk rope tends to be more tedious. This goes for the other crafting stations as well; they default to the first "recipe." If I often found myself crafting Larvanga, I would want the cooking station to default to that recipe instead of defaulting to gnatchos.
      • 1
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  7. I'm sure we all appreciate that we can quickly enter our chest rooms and hit 'n' to quicky dump everything from our inventory into their respective chests. However, the player may not want certain items to be deposited along with the rest of their inventory (arrows, smoothies, torches, food, etc.). The solution to this problem would be to add a togglable switch to a given chest's GUI that disallows items from being deposited into it. The feature would be opt-in, so the player would have to physically toggle the chest they would like to no longer be in the pool of chests that is accessable by hot deposit to nearby storage. The current solution to this problem is to move said chests farther away from the range of the hot deposit. However, I enjoy the luxury of a central storage area with quick access to anything that I may need, and find myself annoyed by having my necessities be deposited along with my materials.
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