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About CatChatter

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  1. I've been engrossed in this game since it first released on Steam and have followed it off and on with updates. Now that the game has hit 1.0+ and has been fully released I feel the game is lacking a few QoL things for the sake of clarity. My first point being Block/Perfect Block and telling more than just visually that it has happened. I'm not sure if it is me seeing incorrectly, missing something or what not in the flow of combat but there are times (especially when fighting multiple enemies) where I'm actually unsure if I achieved a perfect block or not. Some attacks are especially hard to tell with, those being mostly unique to combo attacks (Spider combos, etc) and some of the insects in the upper yard. With quite a few armor sets or effects interacting with block and perfect block, I feel that more clarity of when it happens might be beneficial and it means the framework for the code to detect that it has happened already exists, saving the developers time on that as well. So attached to this are two examples of something that could flash over the shield bar without blocking it too much so you can still see it fill up, and have it match the color of the SCA.B color scheme selected. Second point comes to statuses specifically on enemies. With the presence of multiple debuffs that can be applied to enemies in the forms of DoT or just effects to take advantage of like shredded armor and such, it feels strange to not have a visible indicator for what statuses an enemy is suffering from. This would also impact poison and bleed builds significantly, while also helping a lot of the different mutations and bonus effects from the Sleek upgrade paths for armor as well armor sets. I attached an image with a rather lazy example but such and so forth. Finally, if you perfect block a flying enemy's attack they recoil directly backwards which is often away from the ground and sometimes heavily limits actually taking advantage of that recoil/stagger or outright preventing it. If a flying enemy's attack is perfect blocked, it should recoil back but also towards the ground somewhat, rendering the flier grounded if you will. This would open up more chances to retaliate and reward skillful play.
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