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About ShyLion

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  1. My daugher is playing on XBox One X and i on XBox Series X - in last play session after 1.0.4 patch we couldn't get voice chat working. There is icon appearing when i say something, but she do not hear me, and vice versa. It was working fine earlier, before 1.0.4 patch
  2. Even better - reserve a slot for item and do not deposit it. I hate when i use shield and weapon, loot something and then cannot quick switch to crossbow, because there is no room to return shield/weapon/torch to inventory.
  3. Also show it's vulnerabilities and resistances! There is no point going to creature card - game does not pause for that.
  4. Wanted to ask same question.
  5. I've seen this VERY nice feature in some game - a quck-save shortcut right in game menu, without navigating to sub-menu, sub-sub-menu, without hitting confirmation, etc. Just hit menu button on controler, and then press Y (for XBox) to just quicksave. Saves alot of time/nerves.
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  6. I always keep forgetting which bug is vulnerable to what. Have to go to database and search for particular bug, which itself a task - they are not sorted or i cant get the sort system. Would be nice having a visible hint, after you "peep" a creature, of course.
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