3rd time is the lucky charm...
So I recently decided to give Deadfire a try after a long while.
As I always do with cRPGs, I started with prep / research about skills, builds and key stuff about the game. Overall what I read was that the game should be really easy to cRPGs veterans, so I decided to go with Veteran difficulty since I've been playing those since BG1 and I tend to loose interest if things are too easy / story mode.
Follong my PoE Paladin I decided to run with a Crusader (Paladin/Fighter) with Kind Wayfarer/Devout, which should be tanky and capable of doing some damage as my Paladin from PoE was immortal but boring. Sources here and here.
So there I went from Prologue, Crash Site, Port Maje... But Eder (Fighter/Rogue) and Xoti (Monk), and went to the Digsite... Where I can't win ONE fight. Board, middle-mob, skeleton warriors... Everything just steamrolls me.
So I went back to Port Maje to explore more, maybe get some extra XP... Found a flooded area where Looters just kick my ass no matter what I try.
So... As the title says... What am I doing wrong?
Main Char
Paladin (Kind Wayfarer) / Fighter (Devout), specialized in Sabers (using Sword & Shield or Dual Wielding doesnt change results)
Atributes: M 18, C 8, D 15, P 15, I 13, R 10
Any help?