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Everything posted by RogueW4rrior799

  1. On Xbox One S, Single Player and Multiplayer, all setting set to performance boosting (or so it says)
  2. Games constantly freezing and unfreezing, theres no textures, game feels like its running at 10 fps. Everything just feels slow and buggy. Games not smooth at all
  3. Me and my mate, suffered this issue for about 4 hours yesterday, getting kicked in and out of my lobby (i was the host). Worst part was he was even disconnected throughout the Broodmother boss fight. But Xbox has been very buggy, constant frezzing, running at 10 fps, having no textures, bugs not being visible and still attacking me. I have all my settings set to, whats supposed to help with performance. And i have no idea how to fix the games bugs, low quality, freezing, and choppiness.
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