Hi, I have a problem to logging in with the Xbox Network account when using Grounded.
The folloring error appears:
Failed to load URL https://login.live.com/oauth20_logout.srf?client_id=000000004027a245&redirect_uri=https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf&state=v7va1jYK6KDyiejBTHPNqp2d5iuXpxAh3Z1UUHpWmkELMIGvp7cYckjl5wFMVhn3Yj-QqiP7JjVum47jOUtq4Q with error ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (-101).
I have allready tryied to reinstall, deaktivate the firewall and antivirus software, resart the router and login with another Xbox accont, but nothing worked.
Hope for the right solution.