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Everything posted by Asthmatic

  1. Ants are annoying and do often seem to appear randomly, there could be a few reasons for ants appearing. 1. You base has blocked the pathing (direction of travel) of the ants and they get stuck. 2. You mentioned food in chests, so having food in chests that are on the ground will attract ants, I had this issue in my first base, move them higher up onto a shelf should limit the quantity of ants appearing 3. make sure you are not putting any ant eggs in chests as they will hatch into ants eventually and cause problems. 4. You could either move the area of you base away from the can to create a path or extend you base to have the can inside your base. 5. You can use some ant totems near the area sometimes this help to keep them away. If none of these work and you think it maybe a genuine bug you could contact obsidian support and tell them about it. hope this helps.
  2. I totally agree, I have started another play through even though I don’t want to and so far no problems. It’s strange that players made a fuss before 1.0 release saying that they wanted to play on their old saves and keep their progress obsidian said in their podcast that this would be the case but you will have to replay some of the story again, everyone seemed happy but no mention of issues or lag?? Then 1.0 released and they snuck in a little disclaimer on the old game saves saying it might have issue when playing, sneaky of them again nothing mentioned. I’m hoping that they can address this before it gets any worse. This has been reported to them. Let’s see what happens Please help obsidian !!
  3. Ok so new patch is now out and it is making the lag, stuttering and freezing much worse sometimes freezing for over 6 seconds at a time( gone up in time since patch No2) I’m in single player on an old save from the game preview days. I don’t want to start a new game a waste almost 600 in game days with my current save. It seems old saves are causing the issue, looks like obsidian is going to force me into starting a new game
  4. Yeah totally the same here too. Constantly freezing and lagging so much, game is basically unplayable at this point. It’s amazing that playing the game before in game preview was buttery smooth and I can even play the game via cloud streaming and again buttery smooth, but a dedicated console has problems??? Weird!!
  5. Not possible to craft more marble and quartzite anymore as it’s either been removed from the game or it’s a bug with the recent update. Telling people you can craft it is wrong. Considering it does not respawn you can only make plating and whetstones with what you collect and then grind like crazy to collect bug parts. Why bother putting the resources in the game??? Not a great move obsidian
  6. Anybody know how to find these or get them to spawn??? I have gone back and forth to the black ant hill dozens of times but nothing, even killed every ant but nothing seems to work i think it’s bugged. Any ideas?
  7. So I completed the game, and waited for my report card at the end. It’s stuck at 96% I have tried everything for over a week now to increase this but nothing work, at the bottom is says:- Bonus score hint spend more science??? How do you spend more science when I have purchased everything in the science shop had have over 80k left over??? Would be good if obsidian converted wendall’s Java magic storage facility to included vending machines where you could purchase extra resources or even camp decorative item. (hint hint)
  8. I’ve had this problem too, I think it’s a bug to do with creating a save as a shared world it thinks you are in multiplayer not single player. My solution has been one of two ways. 1. Save you game when player single player, quit and then delete your shared world (if not using it). Restart and load up game again, this sometimes works. 2. (This is the best way I have found) Save you game when in single player, go to in game menu and select give up and then select respawn from the menu this will put you back in the game and 90% of the time the nameplate is gone.
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