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Posts posted by SmOkInPhAzEs420

  1. So 1st issue is the fact the fresh storage is kinda pointless end game. Should have been something in a early lab unlock. Like it wasn't a bright idea to put it at the end of the game to get. When its mainly to keep food fresh. What would help keeping it fresh is a early unlock for it since alot meals would be more beneficial early on and mid game.

    Arrow revamp along with new set

    So tier 1 arrows should stay the same but there should be more options to them especially the elemental arrow. 

    Tier 2 should stay feather but with the addition of tier 2 venom and gas to accompany the fresh, salty, spicy arrows. Just up the dmg a bit.

    Tier should stay splinter but have all options available fresh salty spicy sour venom and super stinks 

    New arrow ideas are a rusty set or toenail with the same infection Stat. 

    New armor set the rusty knight could add a rusty sword and shield 

    New form of transportation could be a wingsuit made from firefly and moth parts

    Building concepts there needs to be more options with these pieces such as allowing us to flip or rotate pieces like with the angled wall.

    Angled floors needs to be able to be flip it's plank pattern is locked in one position and drove my old insane cause everything faced the same way expect one peice and it was a angled floor that I couldn't flip/mirror so it was opposite and fit in with the rest of the floor design. So my selection for these goes

    Angled floors mainly stem, the new ash wall needs to be able to flip and mirrored so we don't have curves facing the same way. Build properties and collision need adjusted we should be able to connect walls to the sides of foundations instead of being obstructed. Roofs should be able to be inverted and connect on under side of angled scaffolds also new build pieces could be angled walls to give better protection to the angled scaffold along with adding in a triangle shaped wall almost like half diamond then flip ot so it's upside down. Should be able to fill in empty spots in build mode where scaffolds can be protected since they're so weak and easy to break with a few hits. 

    New Story concept after ending. Or add on content. Since there's 2 endings. 

    Dualality options. The director took credit for wendell's spac.r and continues his research and using it shrinking kids down along with his staff to try out new experiments. Wendell finds out and ask the 4 kids for help that he would have to shrink them down once more. you're task is to find a group of new shrunken kids. ( could be 2 new sets of 4.  1 being new playables the other are the missing kids could add on like a 8 person co-op mode make a new difficulty called fear or nightmare mode where bugs have more health and hit harder than usual. Ominent shrinks down staff to get in the way of Wendell and kids. Could give new burgl quest like taking out ominents patrol units called chase.r and patrol.r that are looking for them along with out trying to capture bugs to use against them with like mind control devices. Or in real life certain organisms in the bug world can pretty much enter a host bug and control them. Could add like a resource shop thru burgl to buy certain items for a high price of science like bundle packs of arrows healing items and resources the higher tier the more it'll cost. 

    Add more npc characters like staff of ominent that's turned against them because they didn't like what they was doing with the research or some find out it was stolen from Tully. Some of these could be like quest related as in rescue missions they could be attacked by bugs or ominent.

    New bugs or creatures could be a snail or slugs weak to salty weapons resist smashing some of the snails could also be roaming caravans to get supplies or like new quest such as resource runs.

    New build ideas like hanging rope lights kinda like Christmas or patio lights. Archery targets and melee dummies 

    Fire place buildable. Rugs .different style tables and lamps. Hammocks to lounge in when taking breaks. 


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