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Sin Shadow Fox

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About Sin Shadow Fox

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  1. Yeah, I have my waft emitter on the back end of the pond between the infected bugs near the pagoda and the log next to the patch of dandelions and flowers. I've submitted a bug about either the bugs not reaching me or the raid ending in the middle of it but it hasn't shown up on the bug tracker yet and I don't know why. Either it's working the way Obsidian wants it to, or it's simply not a bug they want to fix. https://1drv.ms/v/c/c8c9df95c451c7b1/EbHHUcSV38kggMhdDAAAAAABI8n7azcYkBC397e_86VdPA?e=Iy0mkq
  2. First allow me to preface this . . . "rant" (btw, long rant warning) by saying i am not a gamer that enjoys challenge/difficulty. I do not get some euphoric rush when beating a tough boss or solving a difficult puzzle. The only reason I'm interested in New Game+ is because I'm a completionist and i love Grounded and Obsidian studios. I am not looking forward to New Game+. I'm nearing the end of my first main story playthourgh. I've collected every milk moral and sca.b theme, finished every BURG.L quest and beat every boss (even that f#$%ing demon spider). All i have left is to get the creature/resource trinkets which only drop on rng (thanks obsidian), the gold cards which also only drop on rng (thanks again obsidian) and to craft the blaster, moldy matriarch armor and her plague. And as if fighting the infected broodmother wasn't hard enough already even on mild difficulty (who created this demon monster?!), she only ever drops 4 chunks (I've beat her twice), each of her items requiring TEN! The main story playthrough already gets pretty grindy towards the end of the game and from what I've read about New Game+ (i know i know, i shouldn't be reading ahead before experiencing it naturally but i got worried, and rightfully so) The new content not only seems even more grindy but also the rewards you get don't seem any stronger than what you already have. Just the prospect alone of getting the remaining trinkets, gold cards and infected broodmother chunks is already threatening to kill my interest in this game and the idea of the game getting even harder with more grind and very lackluster rewards is seriously threatening to kill my desire to play this game altogether and that's if i even manage to get the rng stuff as there is a legitimate chance that i will never get all of it because that's how computer generated rng works. Honestly i can't imagine why developers keep putting rng in their games when we've made it abundantly clear that none of us like it or want it and the weird part is Obsidian has "fake rng" in their game but for whatever reason it just doesn't apply to trinkets and gold cards for some reason. I really want to see and enjoy the new content but everything added to the game seems to be Bad>Good>Bad. For example "We made the game harder">"we've added extra milk molars">"you can't upgrade your max mutations or any mega milk molar upgrades". It's like Obsidian is trying to give us things but without actually giving us anything. Also, the random placement of milk molars in New Game+ seems like an intentional attack on gamers who use interactive maps and guides. I really want to see and do everything this game has to offer but i feel as if the longer i play the more i get abused by it. It's just too grindy and too hard. I really hope this is not the note Grounded goes out on and the rng/difficulty issues get addressed at some point for casual gamers and completionists like myself. Obsidian, if your reading this, please don't take this as a hate letter. I really love the game and the reason i want to see and do everything in it is because it's really good. If it was just hard but cheap or it was just grindy but easy, i don't think as many people would mind but as it is, i don't think it works and i don't think people will find New Game+ to be worth it. A few suggestions: Add some cheats or op weapons/armor to take care of the difficulty problem. Give BURG.L's glasses the ability to see every milk molar on the map in New Game+ to solve the random problem. And add a reliable way to obtain trinkets and gold cards, I've heard there is an irish hat in the game, maybe it could guarantee drops? Or maybe there could be a resource you could obtain to acquire gold cards/trinkets? Also maybe a way to teleport our bases to the new dimension?
  3. For the love of God, please either give us the ability to teleport our pets to our pet house, pick them up, or give them the ability to path up stairs. None of us are going to build our bases on the ground.
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