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Shadow Operative

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Posts posted by Shadow Operative

  1. -And Fix the ending

    when you decide to save Mina but not as a handler so you get different cinematic (with Scarlet) !!!




    and why only with dengs data we can unlock additional dialogue with scarlet even when she confessed us that she is an assassin and in romance and friendship with her



    -also review the final mission

    because it contains various glitches for example if you sided with halbech Parker still helps you saying in the end that this data will bring down halbech so it makes no sense... and some other bugs concerning game story advancement...



    -Correct weapon mods (this scope looks just idiotic on a pistol.....)


    -Correct Hardware Audio Settings in order to get surround sound


    -Fix Mouse and Texture loading problem so the game might finally run smoother without hiccups...


    -checkpoint loading bugs and AI bugs


    -Mini games controls


    -some minor glitches


    -and any additional content would be gladly appreciated :)



    Checkpoints were made intentionally so you can't alter some of the decisions in-game just with going back to previous save... so I believe that there is nothing to patch and neither it will be patched....


    This would make the game a lot better :D

  2. Ok just out of curiosity did anyone else not like or trust Mina or was it just me? Also *SPOILERS* did anyone else not save her?


    Yeah it's abit short and abrupt but I want to get peoples opinion first before I say why. Also tired from working and being at uni today =P


    I'm through two of the safehouse hubs and I have to say I'm ambivalent towards Mina. I like Scarlett better. Hard to not like an intelligent, super hot redhead



    Amen Brother Amen to that, Scarlet is the best female character in this game :D

  3. that would be just sad :( but still doubled attachments appear on the AR so it might be simply a bug because there is another model for sight attachment but due to bug it appears with scope.... but if it is intended by authors then *Facepalm*


    And scope on a pistol when there should be a laser sight (that definitely looks different) looks just awkward....

  4. And I always have a dilemma concerning that because you can't get a scene with Scarlet..... so Scarlet Wins :D


    You my friend are my new best friend =P Haha



    Still I'm not alone in Scarlet fanclub :p but I think she has more complex deep personality in-game and she's an assassin so this femme-fatale motive is great. She can be either entertaining and caring and when the time comes a cold blooded professional... which is just perfect and of course she's the most attractive character in the game :) (also I suppose she has got the best "textures" in game :D so by this Mina looses points in the ranking)


    So until they fix the ending Mina rather won't be saved :)



    But again sticking to the topic have you noticed that guy form the Gelato shop in Rome appearing before she shows on the screen of your PDA in Medical bay at the beginning... That was weird and this was the reason I didn't trust her at all or there is something different about it... Maybe someone has a clue about this ??


    Was this guy truly an NSA agent or someone else and if she was aware of that and by using you she wanted to contact NSA....

    so many questions...

  5. I also didn't trust anyone in Alpha.... Mina was suspicious and in the beginning before the her first transmission in medical bay the guy from the Gelato shop from Rome appeared. ( Still I don't know what his role is, maybe he is the most shady character from the game :sorcerer: with a perfect cover :) although he is in the NSA outpost so it may explain connection between Mina and NSA ) I was aware that something is unclear about her and in the end I finished with knowledge that I was used as her tool in shutting down Alpha Protocol beneath frendship... she ordered the missile strike and started the events...and in this I believe Parker because it makes sense....


    Check helbech ending and Leland will tell you how she was involved in the process and then you will get more from her...

  6. I think it is also strange that you attach a scope to a pistol even though it is selected as laser sight... it might seem as another bug because picture of laser sight looks different in the menu and laser sight should be mounted below pistols barrel... another bug??

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