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About BuckGB

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  1. How about this for some pre-coverage tantalization?
  2. Hey guys, I just wanted to pop over here to announce that our fully annotated Alpha Protocol walkthrough is now finished on GameBanshee. This is in addition to our equipment database, perks database, skills database, dossiers section (with intel locations), and everything else we've been hammering away on over the past couple of months. Enjoy!
  3. I thought some of you may be interested in reading two new interviews we posted with a couple of Obsidian Entertainment developers as part of our "Planescape: Torment Revisited" coverage on GameBanshee. The first interview is with Torment's lead designer, Chris Avellone, and the second interview is with the game's lead programmer, Dan Spitzley.
  4. 1. I told John I would be quoting him to help alleviate the number of emails we get about the patch. For whatever reason, many people think that we're officially involved with KotOR II and we receive several emails each week wondering when the music/movie patch will be released. John let us know that the patch was ready and could be released as early as the following week so that we could announce it to our visitors. 2. We were never trying to start "trouble." If you ran a site devoted to KotOR II and a developer told you the patch was close to release, wouldn't you want to let your site's community know about it? 3. While we do get a considerable amount of traffic by KotOR fans, I doubt anyone who has any say about when the patch will be released would be influenced by a news item on our site. 4. This is most likely the case, but there is no way of knowing for sure.
  5. GameBanshee is just an RPG content site that I started several years ago. Our KotOR coverage has been very popular, and because of this, we have received literally hundreds of emails inquiring about the whereabouts of the content patch. After learning that the patch was gearing up for release during a recent chat with John Morgan (the Obsidian developer who physically compiled the patch), I thought it would be in the best interest of our community to let them know. GameBanshee is not any more of an authority in the gaming industry than any other gaming site on the web. However, after working with so many RPG developers over the years, a lot of them are willing to share information with us before releasing it publically. I could write volumes about the current state of web advertising, but the bottom line is that UGO is by far the best entertainment ad supplier on the internet. In order to be part of their advertising network, though, they require that all of their major contributors place the UGO ad in the upper left corner. You'll see a UGO logo at other gaming sites, too, but this doesn't mean that UGO owns them. Take a look at Blue's News, for example.
  6. Please make sure you have your facts straight before you make a presumptuous post like this. GameBanshee is not owned or affiliated with UGO, other than the fact that I serve their ads like a vast majority of other entertainment sites. Aside from ad serving, they have no involvement with my website. Secondly, FilePlanet is owned by GameSpy, who has been purchased by IGN Entertainment. I'm not sure what this "group" is that you're talking about, but neither UGO or GameBanshee are affiliated with FilePlanet in any way. Finally, the information I posted about the content patch did not come from another site or from an anonymous submission - it came from a direct chat that I personally had with John.
  7. I posted that news item after a quick chat with John... on the 5th of July . Things could certainly change, but Obsidian has confirmed to me that the patch is more or less complete. LucasArts just has to approve it, which is why they're shooting for next week.
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